October 1
I was out for a walk around town in the late afternoon, I needed to get some fresh air and breathe. The air was crisp as the wind picked up. I had another one of my weekly berating from my father after he has asked me to help with a car. I accidentally nicked the oil chamber causing a leak, my father's tongue lashing replayed in my head 'I'm tired of having to clean up after your screw ups just because you're too stupid to not mess things up the first time around." I felt like I had been gutted, yet again. I mean it wouldn't be the first time he's said something so harshly. He's said much worse, but I was used to it. I continued to walk around the corner wiping my runny nose and itching my dry, puffy bloodshot eyes. I was exhausted and frustrated, I had my hands stuffed into my not so warm coat pockets holding onto the few crumpled up tissues. Probably should've worn a thicker coat. I was shivering underneath the thin fabric. I gave an attempt to distract myself by thinking about my date with Harry a few nights ago. As soon as I got home, and ever since that night, I couldn't stop thinking about him, after that kiss. You'd think that once you find out you're seeing someone who's become well-known to most of the world, the first thing you'd do is to google search everything about them. But I wasn't going to be that person. I wanted to find things out about him, from that person. But what I did do that night was put on my headphones and listen to most of the songs he's released, writing how I felt about each song. I was basically having a listening party in my bedroom, dancing like I was 14 years old at 3 o' clock in the morning, I even learned some of his lyrics. Just the way he wrote these songs lyrically, just me hit deeply. My eye was drawn by the plenty of colorful bouquets that stood out in the clouded lighting, right out side of my usual coffee shop when I heard footsteps approaching from behind. "Hi darling!" I knew it was him. I turned my head to see him standing there in sunglasses, a dark hoodie and joggers. He was almost unrecognizable. "Oh, hi, I didn't recognize for a moment there." He chuckled pushing down his hood. "How are you, are you okay?" He asked, I wiped my cheek. "Yea, I'm alright, just seasonal allergies. How are you?" I asked. "I've been there before. I'm alright myself, I was gonna grab something from the shop if you want to join me." He offered. I nodded, he then opened the door as I walked in before him. He followed behind as I walked up to the counter. "My two favorite regulars, what can I get for you hun?" The barista, April asked. "Hi, I'll have a grande hot cocoa—no whipped cream this time, please?" I asked her. "Anything else?" She asked. "Make that two, please April." Harry spoke. "Will that be together?" She asked. I nodded as I began to dig through my coat pocket for my wallet. "I've got it, don't worry." Harry pulled his wallet from his back pocket. He pulled out card to pay for both drinks. He took a 5 dollar bill from his wallet sticking it into the tip jar. "Thanks love." He smiled at April before we walked over to the pick up counter.

"I've got two cocoas, no whipped." Another one of the baristas called out. Harry walked up grabbing both cups, handing me mine. "Thanks." I spoke. "Do you wanna sit somewhere?" He asked. "Sure, you lead the way." I gestured. I followed behind Harry to this table in the back corner. It was a quiet kind of private spot by the window, I liked it.

Harry and I were talking about our favorite things. He told me about his love for music, his family, and his love for futbol. I told him about how I love flowers, Disney movies, and playing the piano. "You play piano?" He asked. "I used to. It's been a few years, my grandparents had a baby grand at their house that I'd play every time I'd visit. It was my favorite thing to do but after they passed away, my mother sold the piano and I haven't played since." I shrugged. "I'm sorry love, I have a piano at my mum's if you ever want to play some time." He offered. "It's been so long, I don't even think I remember how to play." I said. "I could re-teach you then. It sounds like this was something you loved doing and I'd love to hear you play. Plus I could always use a piano duet partner." I chuckled. "Maybe I'll take you up on that." I began to look out the window as Harry continued to talk. I hadn't realized that I zoned out until I heard him calling my name. "Dove? Dove." I felt him reach his hand to mine as I looked up from my zoned state. "Everything alright darling?" He asked. "Yea, sorry I guess I'm just a little spaced out today." I told him. "If there's anything that you want to talk about, I'll be your listening ear." He said softly squeezing my hand. "It's not really something I want to talk about right now but I do appreciate it." I told him. "That's okay, I just thought you should know if you wanted to. I'll listen." He spoke. I was very appreciative of his kind offer. I smiled and nodded. "Thank you.." He smiled back at me nodding. My phone chimed, it was a text from my mother.

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