October 4th
Today I had a morning shift at the diner, six to one. It was definitely a long shift but luckily it was coming to an end. It was 12:52 when I got a message from Harry.

Harry - I'm getting to leave for my rehearsal, would you like to come?

I was quick to shoot a message back.

Sure, I'm just finishing my shift. My bike had a flat so I got dropped off. You can pick me up from the diner.

He responded immediately, 'I am on my way darling :)'. I smiled before I continued to collect and count up my tips and bus my last table. I clocked out writing down my hours in the log booklet then grabbed my purse before I removed my apron. I rolled the apron in my hands as I said my goodbyes to Birdie. "I've clocked out for the day. I will see you on Thursday." I said. "Alright, see you Thursday honey bun!" She smiled. I left out the front door as Harry pulled up. He rolled down the window, I saw he was wearing his Ray Bans. "Hi beautiful." He smiled, I smiled back at him. I step up to his car getting in and strapping my seatbelt. He pulled off as we drove about 20 minutes into town.

We pulled up in front of a two-story building, there was an open spot in front of the pavements. We got out of the car walking up. Harry opened the door, I walked in first as he followed behind. Harry walked in front of me grabbing my hand, we walked down the hallway into a studio room. "Hello, Hello, Hello!" He announced. "It's the man, the legend!" One of the guys said. "Harry!" Two of the young woman cheered. Harry let go of my hand as he walked over to each of them greet them with a hug. "Guys, there's someone I'd like you to meet." Harry walked back over me placing a hand on my back and we walked closer. "This is Dove." He smiled. I waved and gently smiled. I'm quite shy. "Dove, this is my band. This is Mitchell Rowland my guitarist, Sarah Jones my drummer, Elin Sandberg my bassist, Pauli Lovejoy my music director and percussionist, Yaffra my pianist, and Nyoh who's also on keys and guitar as well." He spoke pointing to everyone. "Oh! So this is the lovely Dovey girl we've been hearing about." Sarah spoke. I felt my face grow slightly red, scrunching my nose. "It's nice to meet you sweetheart." Elin spoke. "It's so nice to meet all of you." I smiled. A man walked into the room. "Hey guys!" The man greeted. "Who's the new face?" He asked looking in my direction. "Jeff, this is my friend Dove..." He paused. "Burgoyne, it's nice to meet you." I said sticking out my hand. He shook it. "You as well." He replied. "So, shall we get started?" Pauli asked. "Let's do it!" Harry emphasized, he walked over to pick up a a bright, sun-yellowish guitar. "We're just gonna run a few songs. Alright?" Everyone agreed as they all got set in their places. He put the guitar strap over his head before connecting it to the amplifier. He grabbed a guitar pick from the small pocket in the strap putting it between his teeth as he tuned the guitar. He then removed the pick. "Ready?" He asked facing Sarah. Sarah nodded. "Like we rehearsed before..1, 2, 3, 4!" He shouted before Sarah played the beat.

A few of the songs I recognized from the night I spent listening to a handful of his songs. Others were definitely songs I hadn't gotten to yet. I sang along to the lyrics of songs I remembered, and most definitely Sign Of The Times. He gave an amazing performance. It was basically my very own private show. "I think that's good for now. Thanks everybody!" He spoke. I applauded shortly as he gave me a cheesy grin. It made me giggle. Harry put his guitar away before walking over to me as he picked up his water bottle. "You know how to put on quite the show. I loved it." I told him. "I saw you've learned my lyrics. You catch on quickly. You've got a beautiful voice too." He said. I blushed, shying away. "Yea, you don't think I couldn't hear you over there." He chuckled. "I only know some lyrics. If I'm being honest, after we had our date, I pulled up a playlist on Spotify and listened to a handful of songs til 3am." I laughed. "Aw, that has to be the sweetest thing I've ever heard.." Elin chimed in. I softly smiled. "Yeah, honestly you're the first girl who I think who's ever done that. Do you favorites in particular?" He asked. "Probably Sunflower Vol. 6, I mostly play Sign Of The Times on a regular basis though. But I hear you've got a new album coming out soon, right?" I asked. "I do, but I'm in the middle of working on a song I decided to add to it last minute. When I finish the last song, you'll probably be the first I'll play it for." He said. "Well, I'd be honored." I smiled bringing my hand to my chest. "Let me grab my bag and I'll take you home." He said walking over to his wall. "Could we maybe do something else? That's if you don't mind." I asked. "Sure, is everything alright darling?" He asked. "Yea, I'd just rather be anywhere but home right now." I told him. "Maybe we could go to my complex?" He suggested. "I'm fine with that." I replied. He nodded as he took my hand and lead me outside. We got to his car and he kindly opened the passenger side door for me. I thanked him as I sat down. He closed it before walking to the driver's side getting in. He started the car and pulled out of the lot.

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