January 30th

Well, what a month it's been. Harry started traveling again, putting on more shows. Harry was away again, he left a few days after the new year which left me bored. I still had the key he gave me to watch after his flat whenever he was a way. Harry had begged for me to go along with him but with working part-time, I couldn't afford to miss three weeks work. I'd pick up more shifts just to get myself out of the house and distract myself from missing Harry. There's never really a good time to talk on the phone when he's touring because he's busy but he would always try to text me when he could. A lot of 'wish you here's and 'I miss you's. He'd occasionally send photos of random things or songs talking about how it reminded him of me. It was sweet.

Today, I decided to pick up another double shift. I don't typically work Mondays but I'd rather be working than be at home with my parents or alone at Harry's flat on my birthday. Yes, today's my birthday. 26, yep. Another year. Birdie and the other waitresses at the diner as well as Jerry, our chef were the only ones who knew that it was my birthday. I hadn't told Harry because I don't like to make a big deal out of it especially I didn't want to make him feel too bad that he wouldn't be home for it. It's another year, I treat it just like any other day. Nothing special.

It was almost 3:00 when I was cleaning the bar table my shift was running pretty slow when I heard the bell on the door ring. I hadn't looked up from the counter before I heard a familiar voice, "Hi, beautiful.." I paused, I could feel my heart skip a beat as I looked up to see Harry standing there with a bouquet of pink carnations and baby's breath. He had a smile on his face. "Harry!" I chimed before I came out from behind the counter jumping into his arms. He chuckled as he caught me. "Hi, baby.." He smirked. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I had my final show last night, I would've been home this weekend but I just couldn't wait to see you." He said. He set me down on the countertop. "I missed you so much, Dovey.." He took my hand kissing it. I pouted my lip. "I missed you more.." I spoke. "Do you get off soon?" He asked, I was about to answer when Birdie came walking out of her office over to the bar counter. "Oh Harry, so nice to see you, hun. And such pretty flowers for the birthday girl." She spoke. "Birthday Girl?" He turned his head towards me. "Did she not tell you?" She asked. "Birdie.." I whined. "She didn't. How come you didn't say anything?" He questioned. "I'm sorry. I just..try not to make a big deal about it." I said as I hopped off the countertop walking back behind the bar table. "Of course it's a big deal, sweetheart. You've made it to another year." Birdie said. "She's right, Dove. It is a big deal. Could I make you dinner tonight, you know when you get off your shift?" He asked. "I don't think I can do dinner. I picked up a double today so I'll be here pretty late." I told him. "Sofia is coming in an hour and today's been a little slow but it'll be me, her, Angie and Clara. You can clock out after I come back from my break, okay?" Birdie told me. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course I'm sure! Go out, have fun. You only get to celebrate being 26 once." Birdie told me. Harry had a big, cheesy grin on his face as he had his elbows rested on the counter. "Stop looking at me like that." I giggled.

Harry hung around for the entire hour drinking a glass of water with lemon as I waited tables with Angie and Clara. Birdie came back from her lunch as Sofia walked in the door and I got to clock out. Harry wanted to head to his place but I wanted to shower and change first, so we stopped at my parents'.

I unlocked the front door and Harry followed behind to my bedroom. I pulled out an outfit from my dresser before heading towards the bathroom. "Alright, I'm going to shower. I'll only be about 10 minutes." I told him. "Take your time, babe. We're in no rush." He smiled, I grabbed his shirt pulling him down to kiss me before I made my way into my washroom and turned on the shower.


I was sitting on the edge of Dove's bed as I waited, I could hear her singing from the shower. I think she was singing ABBA. Dancing Queen? I chuckled before I heard shower shut off, then her yelp and followed by a loud thud. I got up and rushed down the hall. "Dove?! Dove! Are you alright, darling?" It was a moment before she answered. "I'm okay. I just slipped." She said. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "I'll be okay. I just nicked my leg. Ow.." She hissed. "I'm coming in, put on a towel." I said before opening the door. I saw her sat on the floor wrapped in a towel with a little cut on her shin. "I said I'm fine, Harry." She spoke. "Where's your first aid kit?" I asked. "Under the sink." She replied.

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