Chapter 5- Mr. and Mrs. Chavan face off.

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Virat entered Sai's house with Savi in his lap. Vinayak saw them first, he came out of his mother's embrace and said "Aai Baba and Savi came". Sai looked back saw Virat. 

Time stood still for Virat and Sai. They were seeing each other 8 years later. Involuntarily tears came in both of their eyes. Sai was fast to break the eyelock and came to fetch Savi from Virat's arms but Savi tighten her arms around Virat's neck while turned her head. 

Virat told her "bara your Aai is worried for you. I know you are angry with your Aai but you should let her first check you. Go bachha". 

Savi listened to her father and went to Sai when she next time tried to take her from Virat. While Sai attended small cuts of Savi Virat called Vinu near him. He asked Vinu " so you knew about your Aai and sister and decided to hide it from your Baba." Vinu said "I know that you two had a big fight. I thought to know why you fought then make you two understand then bring both of you in front of each other so you don't fight again. I want my happy family" 

Virat was touched with his son's maturity and said you are talking like my grandfather.

After all of them had their dinner and Sai tucked both the kids in bed with Usha Mausi she came to show Virat his bed for night in Sai's dispensary attached to her home. 

Her heart was pounding as she knew this was the time for confrontation. She has avoided this moment for long by always keeping kids near her but she knew this moment has to come. Virat looked straight towards her and asked "why Sai?" 

Sai composed herself and turned towards Virat "what why? What do you want to know exactly?" 

He shook his head in disapproval and said "why you hid from me? Why didn't you tell me about Savi? Why didn't you contact me after that accident??" 

Sai laughed sarcastically "that accident, it was a boon for you. You got rid of me the annoying wife without the trouble of getting legally divorced." 

Virat became hell angry "what the hell Sai. Are you listening to what rubbish are you saying." 

Sai was also hyper "I am telling rubbish. You will think that only you always thought that I am wrong so that's natural. Your Pakhi must have said that to you." 

Virat stopped her and said " stop stop there. Why the hell are you bringing that woman between us?" Sai sat there and said "because she was always there between us." 

Virat with disappointment said "no Sai sometimes it was we who gave her opportunity to come between us. Few times me or few times you. But this is not about her. It is about us, about you and our kids." 

Sai railed up again "oh really that's why you said you will never see my face if I leave Chavan Nivas, that's why you didn't come to search me after the accident, you didn't bother to know I was alive or not and when I called to tell about my pregnancy I came to know that you are moving on with your Pakhi. You didn't bother that time then why do you bother now?" 

He punched the nearest wall in frustration then said " are you mad Sai? How do you think that I would haven't gone to search you after listening about your accident? How you can even imagine those without knowing the truth?" 

Sai shouted again "I didn't asume Mr. Virat Chavan I was told all these by your dear Pakhi when I called home after my accident." 

Virat looked at her in disbelief and said "you trusted Patralekha bahini over your husband. Wah Sai wah. Use your brain and think how I got our Vinu" 

After saying all these Virat felt that his world crushed again and he left the room and went outside. 

Precap- after realising meaning of Virat's words she realised that she did a grave mistake by trusting Pakhi's words 8 years back. Her own hurt and Pakhi's words never let her think straight and she hold it till now. 

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