Chapter 11 - Vinayak's treatment

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Sai was entering the hospital for her regular when she saw her old teacher Dr. Agnihotri. Dr. Agnihotri is a great orthopedic and he has made many people stand in their legs who have lost hope for injuries and accidents. She holds Virat's hand tightly and he looked toward her. She shows him Dr. Agnihotri who was leaving the hospital premises. She told him 'Virat stop him from leaving. He is very important to us. I am coming just run and stop him."

Seeing his wife's desperation Virat do not ask any questions and hurriedly went toward Dr. Agnihotri and stopped him in the nick of the time before leaving the premise. Dr. Agnihotri was annoyed with this event and asked him "hey young man why you stopped me from entering in my own car?"

Virat was amused with his comments and said "wo sir my wife wants to meet you but as you were leaving, so she asked me to stop you till she reached. Just 2 minutes She is coming here only. " Virat showed him towards Sai who was walking towards them and was a few meters away only. Dr. Agnihotri smiled recognizing her and said "Sai Joshi, one of the best students of mine."

Sai reached and smiled at her ex-professor. She asked him "how are you sir? I searched you but was told that you shifted to Denmark after retirement." He smiled affectionately and said "I am fine. Yes my daughter is working in Denmark that's why after retirement I and my wife shifted with her but I come here every 3 months as I still have some patients here. By the way, why were you looking for me?"

She said "oh sir I was searching for you because of my son. As an infant, he survived a fetal accident but he was hurt in his legs. From then he is not been able to stand on his own feet without a brace. Please sir treat him. I know you can do miracles."

He understood the plea of a mother and said "I am scheduled to leave tomorrow night. You do one thing bring him tomorrow morning to this hospital I will check him and all his reports. Let me examine him and see what can I do to give this young man a normal life.

The next morning Sai and Virat took Vinu to Dr. Agnihotri. He examined Vinu and checked all his reports. He also prescribed a few tests and called one of his ex-colleagues who is an expert in pediatric orthopedic surgery. These two doctors after doing lots of tests on Vinu told them that he can be cured but they need to perform surgery on both his legs before he turned 12.

Parents and grandparents of Vinu were happy to know that the apple of their eyes can be cured and leave a normal life like others. May not be running in a race or hiking but he will be able to walk without a brace, do light exercise etc. Virat and Ninad wanted to perform the operation after Sai give birth to the baby but Sai opposed the idea. She wanted the operation to happen then and there only as the expert doctors were already there and she doesn't have any idea whether she will be able to get hold of them later or not.

All agreed on her reasoning and they opted for an operation soon. After a few days, Vinu was admitted to the hospital. He was hell nervous before the day of the operation. Sai was giving him a peep talk though she was also worried. Though she knows the Dr, who is going to perform the OT is the best but still, the mother in her is worried for her child. Sai wanted to stay at the hospital that night with Vinayak but Virat overruled her. he really don't want her to take the strain. Sai first protested but later agreed to understand his love and care for her. After she came here she observed his care for her and somehow understand his depth of feelings for her. She realized in these 8 years it was not only her who suffered he also suffered a lot.

The next day the worried parents sat together outside the operation theater holding hands with each other. Ninad left the couple to seat there while he was the one to run for medicines, blood and other formalities. Ashwini was there with Savi answering a hundred questions for her. Savi was a bit offended that the last few days her Aai gave much attention to her brother so her Dadi took it herself to specify little Savi.

After 2 hours doctors came out from OT and told them it was successful. They will keep him in ICU for 24 hours for observation after that he will be shifted to the cabin. The couple was relieved they waited till they met unconscious Vinayak who was being shifted to ICU. After Vinayak was shifted Virat took Sai to her gynecologist for a check-up. He knew that she overstressed herself for Vinayak's surgery and he understood that was normal so he brings her for frequent checkups. When her doctor said that she is fine he insist she goes home take some rest and come back in the afternoon.

Virat also knew about his daughter's displeasure regarding her not getting much attention from her mother lately so he take it upon himself to spend much time with her though he was also tense. So he sends Aswini and Sai home with the driver, lets Ninad stay at the hospital and Virat took Savi to spend some father-daughter time. Sai was amazed to see how wonderful a father he is.

Time flows and Vinayak come home after a few days. But the hardship was not over. The post-operative care and long physiotherapy sessions were there. Sai took care of Vinayak's health and Savi's demand for her time but Virat always made sure she doesn't stress herself much. Within a few months, Vinayak was fine and started walking without his brace.

Its been seven months since Sai is here in Virat's quarter and in these few months realized how much her children crave for a happy daily life and how much they are happy after getting their whole family with them. She also realized that she missed being pampered by her Aai and Baba who love her a lot, she now realized that she wants this happiness for herself. She knew that Virat loves her but after coming here for these few months she realized how much he loves her. How he looked after her every need, how he made sure she take enough rest amid all these happenings of the last few months. He never missed any of his checkups and always ask the doctor if she is fine. Virat made her birthday special 1 month back, and he promised that from now on she is his first priority and he will not break her trust ever. Now his birthday is coming and she wants to give him some news with lots of surprises. She wants to tell him that she will not go back to that village. She will not leave after delivering the baby she is ready to give another chance to them, their love and their family, how much she loves him and wants to spend her life with him.

Precap- it's Sai's baby shower and their anniversary and Virat gifted her a very special thing that filled her eyes with happy tears. 

Ok Guys This story has only 4-5 parts left. I will soon start writing on my new concept but before that enjoy my one Sairat Three shorts. I wrote it a while ago. Do check and let me know

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