Chapter 13- Virat's agony

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Vinayak’s surgery, recovery, and the birth of Sairat kept Virat busy but he never forgot about Dr. Payel Rastogi who was responsible for the tragedy of their lives.  He has promised himself that he will not leave the person who killed his first child, who created false medical report of his wife, who made their life hell and led their separation. He was sure that ther is someone else who did all these through Dr. Rastogi. So, after Sairat become few months old he went to Mumbai Central Jail with special permission to interrogate  Dr. Payel Rastogi..

Dr. Rastogi first tried to brush him off telling that she doesnt remember but could not stand long in front of Virat. SSP Crime Branch Virat Chavan is terror to criminals, he is known as a very tough officer in investigation room and here he is not only a tough officer but a wounded man, who has seen pains of his love and a father who lost his child. So it was not an option for Dr. Rastogi to stay quiet for long so she give up the name of the person who gave her a huge amount of money to her for aborting Sai's baby without any suspicion, prepare false report of Sai saying that her uterus and overy so she will never be able to conceive and prescribe contraceptive pills to Sai. 

Virat  expected to know that Patralekha was behind all these. He suspected that only. But he was shocked to know it was not Patralekha but someone else whom he respected from childhood. 

Virat was shocked to know that Patralekha was also a victim in this case. That person also asked Dr. Rastogi to make Samrat infertile so they were providing him some medicine which would have made his sperm count to zero. That accident of Samrat was also pre-planned and Dr. Rastogi was instructed to damage Samrat's testis. 

That person made sure Virat and Sai not get any surrogate mother for their child and was livid when Patralekha volunteered. That person also tried to harm patralekha and the baby but family members always surrounded her si was it was unsuccessful. But Dr. Rastogi as per instruction of that person damage ovaries and fallopian tubes of Patralekha during c-section operation so that she can never give birth to her own child. 

Virat was shocked. He couldn't believe what he was listening. Why the hell she did all these. He recorded Dr. Rastogi’s confession as a proof and then thought that he really cant take action against the person only basis of Dr. Rastogi’s confession but neither he can leave the person for committing so many mistakes. He need to go back to his home now. He thanked his god that the person doesnt know about his other two children. 

Virat come back home and saw his beloved his wife Sai seating with their youngest son in her lap while supervising homework of their elder children. He lovingly looked towards his family and prey to God to keep them safe and give him strength  to fight this tough battle ahead. Sai felt his gase and looked towards him. One look at him and she understand that everything is not okey. There is something which is disturbing him. When Virat noticed Sai’s worried glance he moved towards their bed room.She gave Vinu and Savi some work, settle Sairat in his cradle and came to her husband. When he come out of washroom after getting fresh she just hugged him tight. Virat also hugged her and felt content. 

Sai asked Virat “what happened? You look disturbed.” Virat was not ready to share all these with Sai at that moment. He was shocked himself and confused what should he tell Sai so he told her professional hazrat. He told her that there is a very sensitive and complicated case where he get confession of a suspect but that was not sufficient to catch the master mind. She told him “Virat listen the confession again and again, take notes of important points, investigate on basis of those, gather proofs and then catch the mastermind so there should not be any confusion and culprit can not escape. Aba used to follow this method.” he smiled “Thanks Sai for reminding me Kamal Sir’s method. I love you.” she murmured “I love you too.” they shared a hug but from hall crying sound of Sairat come so Sai need to leave to attain her infant. 

Virat listen the confession again and again and he noted that Dr. Rastogi said that Samrat’s accident was preplanned so he can interrogate Jagtap and his companion who are there in Nagpur jail only. Next day only he went to interrogate them and from Jagtap came to know that he was informed from that person of Chavan family that Samrat was going to pick up Sai. she also instructed him to hurt Samrat in his private parts so he can never be a father. Jagtap’s companions were also confirmed that. 

Virat tried the last thing he did he contacted Patralekha’s husband. After coming out of jail Patralekha understood that she can never get Virat that made her depressed and suisidal.  Infect she tried to committee suiside for 3 times her parents send her to rehabilitation centre. After staying there for 3 years she overcome and moved on. Then she left Nagpur and resumed her career as Blog writer and vlogger. Later she met a journalist and got married 2 years ago. Virat was invited in her wedding. He thought not to attain but as per request of her husband he attained their reception. Now they are living a happy married life. When Virat called Pakhi’s husband Niraj Deshmukh he  received the call. Niraj and Virat has a good relationship for their profession and they really shared a good bond. 

Niraj and Virat met in a cafe and Virat asked him about them. Niraj told him that from last 1 year they are trying for a baby but all the attempt failed which made Patralekha depressed again. Virat asked Niraj “did you visit a doctor?” Niraj told “yes we did just a few days ago and there were some medical tests done also and the reports are due today I think Pakhi already reached hospital to collect the reports and see the doctor. I also planned to join but you called so I came here.” Virat was anxious at that moment he got up from the seat and said  “Lets go to the hospital Niraj.” Niraj was shocked but followed Virat. They exchanged few quick information on the way and when they reached the hospital they foun a devastated Patralekha there seating in a chair and crying uncontrollably. 

When Pakhi saw her husband she rushed to him and said “these reports says that I can never be a mother as my both ovaries and fallopian tubes are damaged. You know everything was fine when I was surrogate mother of Sai’s child but now they are damaged. I can never be a mother.” 

Virat said “so all this is true.” pakhi yet not noticed Virat but now looked at him and say “I am paying for my sins. God has punished me see. For me your love, your wife left the house and died in accident and now I lost a future.” Virat stopped her “hold on Patralekha I think you know that Sai is alive. She called Chavan Nivas and you received the call and told her not to contact me.” Pakhi was shocked and said “Thank God Sai is alive. Thank God it lessen the burden from my chest.” Virat cut her again and said “plesse cut your drama” but this time Niraj said “No Virat she is not doing any drama she really feel guilty that Sai died for her. I have seen her remorse.” this time Pakhi told “I never received any call those days, you might not believe that I loved Vinayak, I carried him for 9 months and gave birth to him. I was mourning his death that time. You find Sai?” Virat nodded and she continued with folded hands “please tell her I am sorry for everything I have done. I was a bad woman but I never wished any mortal danger for her.” 

Virat nodded this time and said “I know Pakhi. She faced a lot but there was someone else responsible for that. Do you know our 1st child it was not aborted naturally it was a murder someone intentionally did that. Her reports were false, that someone tried to harm you also during pregnancy and lastly she only asked doctors to damage your overies and fallopian tubes during c-section.” 

Niraj aske “who the hell is this someone?” 

Precap- ok guys guess who can be this someone from Chavan family. Tell me in your comments. 

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