Harry: You're washing dishes in the sink of Harry's kitchen, letting your mind wonder. You daydream about the patter of little feet behind you, the sound of children laughing filling the kitchen. A deeper chuckle follows and you see two little boys running into the kitchen, their mops of curly brown hair flopping effortlessly. Harry appears with a little girl in his arms, her wavy hair tickling Harry's cheek as he holds the little girl against his chest. His arm wraps around you, splaying against the swell of your pregnant stomach. The sound of a crashing dish wakes you from your daydream and you blink the sight from your eyes as Harry lifts you against the island and out of the way of broken glass. As you watch him clean up your mess, you know in that moment that one day, you're daydream will be a reality.Liam: Liam is taking pictures of you as you wonder around the Hogwarts amusement park in Universal Studios. You pass your camera to a woman who's offered to take a photo of you and Liam in front of the Hogwarts Express. "Do you want me to hold you backpack?" the woman asks. "She can't carry her books to Hogwarts without a backpack" Liam answer, completely serious as he pulls you close for a photo. You look up at him as it dawns on you that this is the boy for you and you're grateful that you have that moment caught on camera.
Niall: It's too early for you to be awake but for some reason you can't seem to fall back asleep. Niall is sound asleep beside you, his deep breathing the only sound filling the room. You roll onto your side to watch him, thinking the gentle rise of his chest will lull you to sleep. You're only spending the night with him so your roommate can get it in with her random guy of the week but you find that falling asleep next to him is something you love doing. As you continue to watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest, you realize that this is how you want it to be every night, Niall asleep beside you.
Louis: The two of you had been talking for about a month when you realized he was the one. It was a simple text message he had sent you while he was on tour. "Thinking about you babe xx". Your smile said it all.
Zayn: You knew he was the one about 2 months after the first time you had talked to him. He had left a few hours ago to head out on tour and you were already missing him. You look in your purse for your phone when you get home only to find a folded piece of paper before finding your phone. It was a note he had left for you telling you how much he enjoyed being with you and how he couldn't wait to get back to you.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionHey(: I decided to write a book dedicated to one direction since Zayn has officially left One Direction. Zayn will be in here cause to me he is still in One Direction. Anyways I hope you like this preference/imagine book. Have a nice day!!! Xoxo~Ro...