Harry: Babysitting Lux was one of Harry's favorite things. He loved that little girl and he loved that she loved him without even knowing who he was. Through Lou, he had become great friends with Tom and after hearing Tom talk about how little time he'd had with Lou recently Harry had offered to take Lux for a day. Of course, by offering to take Lux he had meant take Lux and have you help. He picked the little girl up early one morning before picking you up from university to start the day. You push Lux in her pram, enjoying the warm weather and wondering in and out of shops. Harry buys Lux something everything you go, giddy at the chance to spoil his favorite little girl. He takes dozens of pictures of you with Lux, cradling the little girl to his chest as she naps as you continue down the streets of London. After finish dinner, you kiss Lux's forehead and wait in the car as Harry drops her off at Lou's apartment. "Maybe, one day we'll have our own baby Lux... one we won't have to drop off" Harry says later that night as you lay in your dorm room.Liam: Liam happily pushes the buggy around the toy store as you carry Lux, pulling things off the shelves when the little girl points them out. After picking up a few things, Liam purchases the new toys for his favorite little girl before walking the three of you back to Tom and Lux's house. He sits in front of her to feed her, dodging flying meatballs while you laugh at the sink. You both bathe her, making water sounds with the rubber ducky's before drying her off and putting her to bed. You lean against the doorway as Liam sings Lux to sleep, wrapping your arms around his waist before walking back down stairs to wait for Tom and Lux to return.
Niall: Niall hasn't spent much time with Lux, but when Lou looks too exhausted to function one day, he finds himself offering to take the baby for a day to give her and Tom some time to relax. He shows up at your apartment with the little girl, a goofy smile on his face as she babbles in his arms before leaning forward for you to hold her. You buckle her into her car seat before sliding into the passenger seat with Niall, excited to start the day together. You spend the day at the water park, holding Lux against your chest as you wade in the shallower parts of the pools. You cheer for Niall as he slides down the big water slides, Lux giggling and slapping the surface of the water when he pops up out of the water in front of her. He holds her tightly as he dips her under the water, throwing her in the air and pressing noisy kisses to her face every time he catches her. By the time you drop Lux off back with Lou and Tom, she's sound asleep in her car seat and so are you.
Louis: You love bringing Lux back to your place while Lou and Tom go out. Just seeing how happy she always is, especially when Louis is around just puts the biggest smile on your face. The three of you sitting around watching cartoons and playing with toys makes you feel like a family. Giving her back up is the hardest part. She can't wait to see her mom when they get back, but she always blows you a kiss before you say goodbye.
Zayn: Zayn loved taking Lux out of the house to play. The three of you would go to the park and have a blast. He swung with her and would take her down the slide, she loved it. Crawling through the tunnel was her favorite because Zayn would always play peek a boo when she reached the end.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionHey(: I decided to write a book dedicated to one direction since Zayn has officially left One Direction. Zayn will be in here cause to me he is still in One Direction. Anyways I hope you like this preference/imagine book. Have a nice day!!! Xoxo~Ro...