Harry: "What are you doing?" you question, walking in Harry's bedroom to find him packing a suitcase. "I can't, handle this anymore," he cries and your heart stops. "What? What can't you handle?" you question, hurriedly trying to pull things from his suitcase. "I can't take the hate! It's too much; I don't want to do this anymore! I don't want to be in the band! They're, horrible, so horrible to you and to me sometimes. I can't handle it" he cries, shoving the things you've pulled back into his suitcase. "Harry... you can't quit" you tell him, stepping back as he shoves his suitcase onto the floor to sit amongst the scattered clothes. "I can't do this anymore; I don't want to do this anymore. I just want to be normal, I want us to be normal," he cries and you wrap your arms around him as you straddle his hips to pull him against you tightly. "Let's take a vacation, just the two of us, to get away from everyone and everything," you ask and he nods. "Yeah, a holiday will be good for us. Let's not take things to the extreme of quitting" you tell him and he sighs. "If I did want to quit, would you stay with me?" he asked and you smile. "Always."Liam: "You're having a baby... if I'm still touring, how am I going to be around for everything?" Liam cries, seated on the edge of the bathtub as you sit on the toilet seat. You're seven months pregnant and your large stomach rounds out beneath the top you're wearing as you rub small circles over the unborn child within. "Liam... you can still be here for everything. We'll just have to work something out" you assure him but he shakes his head. "No... I'm still going to miss something. I don't want to see her first steps through a video or hear her first words over the phone. As long as I'm in the band, I'll miss a majority of her growing up. I read that the first six months are the most crucial for bonding," Liam stresses and you lean forward as far as your stomach will allow. "We'll figure something out, this little girl is going to love you regardless of if you're here everyday or not" you whisper, cradling his face with your hands but he continues to cry softly. "No, I don't want to miss anything. I want to be there everyday. I don't want to be an absent father. I have to quit if that's the type of daddy I want to be" Liam says, leaning forward to press his lips to your swollen stomach and you sigh. "Whatever you want to do, you know I'll support you but please... talk to someone first, talk to Paul or Niall. Promise me you'll at least do that before you quit"
Niall: "Fuck that" Niall seethes, storming from the meeting with management as the rest of the boys stare at him in shock. "I quit" he shouts, slamming the door behind him before anyone can convince him any differently. "Did you quit today?" you ask as the two of you lay in your dorm bed. "Yeah" he says. "Why?" you ask, rolling into his side as he sighs. "They want us to tour for the next two years, nonstop. They don't understand that we have families, girlfriends, we'll be away from. I can't handle the constant touring or the constant anything of this" he huffs. "You can't just quit Ni... what about the fans?" you ask and he rolls you beneath him while nuzzling his nose against your neck. "They can be so cruel to you. I just want to be normal. I just want to be a university student that spends his nights with his girlfriends. I don't want to be surrounded by girls all the time, I don't wan to be away for two years" he cries against your neck. "Niall... you can't quit. I know it's tough but if you have to go away for two years, then I'll do whatever it takes to visit you as often as possible. It'll be like it is now; you come here for weekends and live a normal, university life with your normal, university girlfriend" you assure him. "Fine" he sighs, rolling over to call management and talk everything out. "You'd still be with me if I wasn't in the band, right?" he asks later that night. "You can't get ride of me over something so trivial as no longer being in One Direction" you assure him.
Louis: Your friends were always the ones telling you that Lou was going to be the first to quit the band. He never looked happy and was always complaining about how the fans acted. You disregarded their thoughts every time they were brought up and knew Lou would never quit the band. Until one day you walked in the door to find him sitting at the table with his hands grasping his hair with his had facing the table. "Lou?" you question softly. "I can't do it anymore." He says. "Do what?" you ask. "This. I can't do this. I can't be in the band anymore." He explains. You walk over to him, pulling a chair up beside him and grab his hands. "Lou I want you to think about this. This is a huge decision and you can't just say things like that without honestly sitting down and thinking about the outcomes." You explain trying to calm him down. "I've thought about it for months now. I'm not having fun anymore. This isn't what I want to do with my life, it's miserable." He says breaking your heart at how unhappy he is. "Have you said anything to anyone else?" you inquire. "Who am I supposed to talk to about this? They're going to hate me." He says as he begins to tear up. "You don't worry about them, this is for you. You have to do what is best for you, and if you aren't happy you're only hurting yourself and everyone else around you because of the face you're putting on." He looks at you silent. You wipe his tears and kiss his forehead. "I'm here for you." You assure him. "I'm here for you no matter what you decide to do, one hundred percent."
Zayn: "What would you think of me if I told you that I didn't want to be in the band anymore?" you boyfriend asks you at dinner one night. You give his question time to sink in and reply "I would tell you that I certainly hope you had thought a decision like that through and knew one hundred percent that it is what you wanted to do." You begin, pausing to lift his head up that dropped in shame. "But I would also tell you that I was going to be by your side no matter what decision you made." You finish. He smiles and begins to go through the story of how he came to his decision.
I seriously cried writing Zayn's because he has already quit. I honestly don't know why but hopefully for a good reason and not what the rumors say. I will always be a fan of Zayn though he's my Bradford Bad Boy. Xoxo~ Rose

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionHey(: I decided to write a book dedicated to one direction since Zayn has officially left One Direction. Zayn will be in here cause to me he is still in One Direction. Anyways I hope you like this preference/imagine book. Have a nice day!!! Xoxo~Ro...