Harry: "I don't know... she's kind of different than the girls you normally go for" Louis shrugs as the boys play video games at his apartment. "What do you mean, she's different?" Harry prompts and Louis sighs. "She's just... not like the other girls you bring home. She's a virgin for one, she's normal, she's in university... she's just different" Zayn responds and Harry tosses his controller away. "I love her. I don't care that she's a virgin and I love that she's a normal university student" he defends angrily and the boys chuckle. "We're not saying it in a bad way. We actually love (Y/N) and we love that she's different from the others... it was just an observation mate" Louis assures him and Harry sighs. "I just want you lot to like her," he admits and the boys shake theirs heads. "We don't like her... we love her. She's good for you, relax" Liam tells Harry, tossing him his controller again and as quick as the conversation started, it was over.Liam: You officially became Mamma D when you moved in with Liam. You're just as sensible as your boyfriend but you're also all the more willing to let lose and party. You take care of everyone, feeding them when they're hungry and happily cleaning up their messes.
Niall: "Dude... she's like, super hot" Zayn says one night as the group sits in the VIP section of the popular club. "Yeah, I know" Niall says, tipping his beer against his lips as the other boys agree. "Like, really hot. How'd you get so lucky" Louis jokes and Niall narrows his eyes. "Alright, knock it off" he snaps and the rest of the boys chuckle. "She likes to show off, that's for sure" Harry says and the rest of the boys turn to watch you as you dance with the other girlfriends. "Harry, I swear to god, if you don't stop looking at her I'll knock you the fuck out" Niall warns and the boys laugh. "We're just saying Niall... you deserve someone so hot and you found her. No disrespect" Zayn assures his mate, watching as Niall nods his head. "You get shit sometimes so you deserve a hot chick to show off; hell, we all get shit and we all like our girls to show off" Louis says seriously and Harry chuckles. "She should go naked then" he says, groaning when Niall playfully yet seriously punches his arm.
Louis: The boys love it when you're around because you fit in with them so well. They're always telling Lou how lucky he is to have someone that a can put up with him as well as you do. They have nothing but compliments for you when they are asking about their band mate's girlfriend.
Zayn: The boys are always asking Zayn how he ended up with someone so responsible. They call you mom more often than your actual name. You're always there to keep them in line, but still know how to sneak around and get into a little bit of trouble.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionHey(: I decided to write a book dedicated to one direction since Zayn has officially left One Direction. Zayn will be in here cause to me he is still in One Direction. Anyways I hope you like this preference/imagine book. Have a nice day!!! Xoxo~Ro...