He Takes Care Of You When You Get Drunk

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Harry: He chuckles when he sees you stumble through the front door of your apartment. Your drunken texts throughout the night gave him worry about you being home alone so he made the short drive to your apartment. You're in the middle of trying to shimmy out of your clothes when he picks you up and brings you into the bedroom. He helps you out of you clothes and into your pajamas before laying you against the sheets. He holds your hair later that night as you retch into the toilet, rubbing your back as your cry. He makes you breakfast in the morning, making sure to rub your temples when you complain of a killer headache.

Liam: He watches as you steadily get drunker and drunker through out the night. Niall is of no help as he passes you drink after drink and there's nothing Liam can do to stop them. He's been in this position before, you drunk and him dead sober so he knows exactly what to do. He fellows you around the bar, making sure you keep upright on your feet. He prevents you from turning into your alter ego which he assumes was a stripper in a former life time. At the end of the night, he carries you up the stairs and holds your hair as he coaxes you into vomiting into the toilet in order to avoid the hangover the next morning.

Niall: Once you took your first tequila shot, Niall had ordered one beer and cut himself off. He watched as you continued to drink throughout the night, drinking away the stress of the week. He holds your against his side once he convinces you it's time to leave, keeping you steady as you wobble on your heals. As you ramble drunkenly about the week, Niall sits you down on the toilet seat after carrying you up the stairs. He runs the cool washrag over your face to wipe away your makeup and the tequila he's sure will seep through your pores before helping you out of your clothes and under the covers.

Louis: It had been months since you had gone out with your girlfriends and when they called letting you know they were in town you jumped at the chance for a much needed girl's night out. You texted your boyfriend who was stuck at the studio for another late night of recording that you were going out with your girlfriends and that you would be back later on. He was glad to see you going out and responded with a sweet "Be safe, I love you, See you tonight xx" Several hours later you stumbled back inside the house tossing your clutch and phone on the couch as you start to giggle to yourself for no apparent reason. "Lou!!" you shout looking up the stairs knowing you would need his help to climb them. A few moments later you see your sleepy boyfriend standing at the top of the staircase. "I need you, " you say laughing at the impossible task that was the stairs. " Yes ma'am" Lou says making his way down to you. Before you know it you are swooped up into his strong arms as he carries you up the stairs. "You're so pretty" you say poking his cheek. "Yeah you aren't so bad yourself there love" he responds with a slight laugh. "I love you like SO much Lou" you say as he sets you down on the bed beginning to take your shoes off as well as the rest of your clothes knowing they would only frustrate you and you would end up ripping everything off. "I know you do (y/n) and I love you just the same" he says pulling one of his t-shirts over your head before laying you down under the covers and crawling into bed with you. You turn to face him and begin to stoke his cheek. "What are you doing love?" he says yawning. "I'm making sure I know what you feel like." you say as if it was the most obvious thing. "Oh" he chuckles. It doesn't take long however for your fascination with his face subsides and you are passed out in his arms; a massive headache awaiting you in the morning.

Zayn: He's woken up by his phone buzzing on the night stand. "Hello?" he says sleepily. "Hey we're outside, she lost her keys, so can you come and unlock the door please?" your friend informed him. "Of course she did" he laughs "I'll be right down." he says putting some pants on and making his way down to the door. "Baby!!!!" you shout as you run and collapse in his arms. "I'm for real sorry I lost my keys babes, I didn't mean to. I know I should be more...." you explain only to be interrupted by his fingers covering your mouth. "Thank you Amanda." he tells your friend before helping you inside. "Baby I'm like really sorry. Like baby I'm sorry. I should not be losing my keys baby I'm sorry." you ramble as he helps you up to your bed. "You know you talk WAY too much when you're drunk" he laughs. You begin to giggle at his laughter as he rolls his eyes. "No, don't start that stuff." Zayn says knowing that if you start to laugh you will never got to sleep. You begin stripping down in order to get a shower but realize that it's harder than you thought. "Here let me help you babe." he says helping you unzip your dress. "I need a shower, yeah?" you ask your boyfriend. "Yes, so give me a minute and I'll be right in" he assures you turning on the shower for you and heading back out to the bedroom for a minute. "Get out Get out Get out of my head!!" he hears upon returning. He finds you sitting in the shower with the water running over you jamming to one of his songs in your head. "What are you doing love?" he asks questioning what he is witnessing. "I'm being you" you say smiling up at him as water drips over your face. "I think it's time for this shower to be done." he says picking you up out of the shower, covering you with a towel, and carrying you to the bed. "We're sleeping?" you ask him a bit confused. "Yes, ma'am it's 3 in the morning and your boyfriend has to be at the studio at 7." "My boyfriend?" you question. "Yeah, your boyfriend. So let's go to sleep alright?" "Alright. We can do that." you say as he climbs in the bed and you nestle into him. "Get out Get out Get out of my head." you sing softly making your boyfriend chuckle and squeeze you closer.

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