the moment she stepped out of that car and saw what was ahead of her, she immediately regretted ever stepping in.
"why...," she mumbled quietly as she shook her head. "why are you forcing me to come here?" her voice raised ever so slightly.
danny enthusiastically slammed her door shut, doing a small dance as she made her way towards her pouting friend. "aw, c'mon!" she slapped the unenthusiastic brunettes arm. "this'll be so much fun." danny's strawberry blonde hair swayed like honey down her back as she yanked her friend forward.
"dan, i really don't wanna be here," she groaned. danny ignored her, and she prodded forward with fretful feet.
after the two walked (or danny hauling her like a horse) across the long, green field of grass, the array of lights and colors vibrantly filled her green eyes. and for just a moment, she thought maybe this could be okay.
she didn't notice her mouth was smiling until danny pointed it out by poking one of her dimples. "see, i knew you'd come through," she chuckled, dragging the girl forward again towards the ticket booth.
"two tickets please," danny asked the middle-aged man behind the counter.
he groaned, looking up at us with really nice blue eyes. "do you want the all-inclusive tickets?" he asked, running a hand through his blond hair.
"yes, please." danny pulled out her wallet, and she stopped her.
"i've got it," she said, handing the man a twenty dollar bill. danny frowned, but that didn't stop the girl from feeling accomplished of herself. danny always paid.
the man handed the girls two bright orange tickets, and they headed inside.
directly in front of them was some sort of kiddy roller coaster, a few antsy children nearly shaking as they waited their turn. to the left was a concession stand, and naturally the girl felt drawn to it because, well it had food. the other way was where the larger roller coaster was, along with some other attractions like a clown booth, some places to win stuffed animals, and a fortune teller. what sat far in the back, right next to the pier, was a huge ferris wheel. it had light on it that made it change to all of the colors of the rainbow, and it was the first thing the girl saw when she walked out of danny's awkwardly yellow car.
"hmm...where to first?" danny asked after inspecting around her.
"concession stand."
a long, very deep groan for a teenage girl came from deep in danny's throat. "not everything is about food!"
the girl chuckled. "yeah, it is."
"no." danny folded her arms over her chest.
"i'll pay?"
"ugh, fine," danny agreed. she wasn't the hardest nut to crack. "but i get to chose where we go next."
five minuets later, the girl was stuck in most likely the funniest and most problematic situation she'd ever be faced with in her life: danny had managed to get her arm stuck in the cotton candy machine.
she tried yelling out for help, but her laughter overtook her throats urge to speak. danny was in the midst of panic, disappointment, and hysterics. panicking on how the heck she was supposed to get her arm out, disappointment in the fact she got her arm stuck in a cotton candy machine, and hysterics on the fact she got her arm stuck in a cotton candy machine.
nonetheless, the man running the stand turned the power off and danny yanked her arm out of there faster than usain bolt could run. she was stuck with a pink arm and utter humiliation.
"that, was the best, thing that, ever happened in my, entire life," the girl managed to say in between breaths.
"easy for you to say!" danny yelled with a smile. she flung her pink arm out in front of the girl's face. "you're not the one with pink skin!"
the girl laughed and shook her head while popping one of her extremely cheesy nachos in her mouth. danny told her she wanted to go and try out of roller coaster, and she agreed nonchalantly. she loved roller coasters.
determined to finish her nachos before reaching the gate, she concentrated fully on the cheesy concession and not on anything around her. danny had to guide her out of the way of a trash can.
"...but then i was like stacy no! you're boobs are big enough! hey, are you even listening? wait!-" danny shouted, catching the girl's attention. she darted her eyes over at her best friend, but then a large something struck her body.
she felt the hot cheese hit a small part of her arm, but nothing else. she fell backwards with the weight of the impact, which also happened to send her nachos flying into the pink sky.
"thanks for that warning, dan...," she trailed off, looking up at the red head. danny had her mouth cupped by her hands, her sea green eyes wide.
the girl looked over and saw why she was gaping. a boy had sticky orange cheese all over his black shirt and pants, and on top of his head was the paper plate her nachos once sat on. even more cheese was in his hair and dripped down his cheek. when she got a good look at him, her jaw dropped.
this is the preface sort of thing!!!!!:&:&: i am so excited zomg
Разное" although i'm the king of conspiracy, you're a sea of dead daydreams, my dear "