"okay, explain now please," phoebe demanded just as they both walked through danny's door.
danny grabbed a bag of chips and hopped onto her couch. "what do you mean?" she asked plainly.
amber sighed, plopping down next to danny. "why did that guy offer us a ride home? i really don't remember you ever talking about a luke before."
"a nice gesture was all it was," danny shrugged. "i met him this morning when i dropped all your papers you made me bring." phoebe was late to school that morning and left her homework at her house. thankfully danny had p.e. first period and didn't mind being late for it.
"oh," phoebe nodded. "cool."
this wasn't rare; danny was probably the most beautiful girl in the entire school, even as a sophomore. she could pick up guys faster than a gun could shoot a bullet if she wanted, but she had class.
"he was really cute, wasn't he?" danny asked, turning on modern family. phoebe only nodded.
"so what's your plan for this weekend?" danny asked.
"nothing yet. finals are coming up soon, so i should probably get started on studying," phoebe said while picking at her nails.
danny rolled her eyes. "nerd."
"how is not wanting to fail a bad thing?" phoebe asked.
"because you shouldn't always worry about things and never have any fun," danny pouted, poking her shoulder.
phoebe scoffed. "uh, i have tons of fun."
"no, no you really don't," danny chuckled.
phoebe folded her arms across her chest. "yes i do."
"yeah i do!"
"no you don't, stop acting like a two year old about it."
"dang dan," phoebe laughed, shoving danny's shoulder.
danny folded her arms across her chest and frowned. "no! i honestly hate how much you care about school and meeting everyone else's expectations! i wish you'd think about yourself for once," she huffed.
phoebe's smile fell. "oh, dan, oh gosh. i wish i could have a little more fun sometimes too, but i have to focus on school. i've gotta get out of my house as soon as i can, you know that," she whispered.
danny sighed. "yeah, but my parents could help you."
"i'm never asking anyone to give me money for college."
danny pulled up a magazine and flipped to a page. she handed it to phoebe, and she scanned the page. "just promise me you'll go to the fair with me in a couple weekends? i know you need to work hard, and i'll always admire you for that."
"it looks like you had this all planned out," phoebe chuckled, pointing at how the add for the fair was circled in pink sharpie.
"yup, i'm just that good of a friend," she smiled.
and danny definatly was. phoebe was so grateful that she saw whatever it was in phoebe, because she'd really be a mess without danny.
"okay, you better text me when you get home," danny made her promise, and waved.
"alright, i'll see you," phoebe waved back. she hugged her jacket closer to her body as a gust of wind hit her. the night air was crisp and ripped through her hair with such a force that sent the strands flying around.
Losowe" although i'm the king of conspiracy, you're a sea of dead daydreams, my dear "