|Shot 18| • Night Terrors II • |Stenbrough|

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I awoke groggily in Stan's bed, the beautiful boy sleeping soundly on my chest, smiling in his slumber. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I smiled to myself and watched him sleep as I rubbed his back slowly. His chest slowly rose up and down in sync with his sleeping breaths.

Suddenly, his breaths quickened and I glanced down at him puzzled. His smile had faded and his eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes shut tight. I sat up slightly and observed him. Stan started to whimper and shake.

"Stan...Stanny?" I whispered.

"No...no no no no NO!" I heard him scream.

I shook him.

"Stan, Stan wake up!" I said desperately, trying to wake him up and comfort him.

His eyes flew open and he searched the room frantically. He sat up panting, frightened and crying.

I sighed in relief.

"Hey...hey...it's okay, Stan, I'm here" I cooed.

He struggled to catch his breath and turned to look at me, sweat dripping down his forehead and tears streaming down his face.

"Bill?" he said uncertainly, surprised to see me.

He placed his hand on my chest, as if to test if I were real.

"It's okay, Stanny, I'm r-right here, l-look at me" I said gently as I cupped his warm face in my hands and wiped away his tears.

Dammit I thought. He's having another nightmare thanks to that fucking clown.

It broke my heart to see Stan like this. It beyond angered me that he was given such horrid nightmares, the utter terror we went through, not to mention the scars on either side of his handsome face...Stan doesn't deserve that.

"Shh, I'm r-right here...I'm right here, Stan, it's okay, you're s-safe with me" I whispered gently, his eyes gazing right into mine, easing his sobs.

God, he's a beautiful boy. I kissed his soft, warm lips and leaned my forehead against his.

"I'm s-so glad you're here, B-Bill" he shuddered, catching his breath, his panic waning. "You always m-make me feel so m-much better"

I gave him a reassuring smile and rested my hand on his cheek, gingerly brushing his hair behind his ear.

"I'm always going to be here for you, Stanny. Always"

"Don't call me Stanny" he pouted.

We both laughed. I had taken my shirt off at some point in the night, so I sat there shirtless on Stan's bed, Stan sitting on my lap and tracing circles with his warm fingertips on my chest, my head rested on his.

It felt so good to have him sitting in my lap, holding him close as he gently touched me. I closed my eyes and took in his scent, his touch, his soothing voice, his perfect frame comfortable laying in mine. Now was the time to confess to him what I wanted to for so long.

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