→𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬.༄ ‧₊˚ (GP!Boss x Reader)

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It was late at night and Y/N just couldn't seem to fall asleep. they laid in their bed staring at the ceiling, doing some breathing exercises to try and help themselves get tired, but to no avail. their eyes were wide open, and the comfort and warmth of the bed wasn't really helping them fall asleep either.

they looked toward the clock. 11:59. it's almost midnight, and Y/N STILL can't sleep? Y/N let out a annoyed groan as the threw the blanket off of themselves and went to grab their phone. maybe they could scroll through Instagram for a bit until they get tired. as they picked up the phone it suddenly vibrated in their hands. the phone flashed, causing Y/N to squint, the sudden light hitting their eyes after being in a dark room giving them a uncomfortable feeling.

"𝕭𝖔𝖘𝖘. 🥀"

"u up?"

Y/N rubbed their eyes as they tried to focus on the text. once they finally managed to figure out what the text said, they smiled and returned to their bed, throwing the covers back over themselves as they texted back.

"yeah :(( i cant sleep"

Y/N set their phone down beside them and paitently waited for a response. lucky for them, Boss is a fast typer, and a response came quicker than expected. 

"same. im bored. can i come over?"

Y/N stared at the message for a couple seconds. Boss? coming over? this late? they looked at the clock once again, 12:03. they were hesitant but responded anyways.

"ye sure"

Y/N set the phone down near them and headed to the bathroom to get themselves ready. 

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Y/N immediately ran down the stairs as quick as they can as soon as they heard their doorbell rang. they excitedly unlocked the door and opened it, locking eyes with Boss immediately as he loomed over them. "You got yourself ready for me?" He said, looking Y/N up and down. "Look who's talking." You responded. He replied with a chuckle and walked in. you turned toward him as you shut and locked the door, "So what do you wanna do?" You asked, "You want anything to eat or drink?" 

"I was hoping we could, like, watch movies in your bedroom or something..." Boss responded, taking off his jacket and hanging it on a coat rack. "In...my bedroom?" You asked, your eyes wide. "Are you uncomfortable with that?" You shook your head in response, "No, no! of course not-" 

"Are you worried that we'd fuck or something?" Boss asked half-jokingly, flashing Y/N a smirk. this caused Y/N to blush. "Aw, you're blushing~" Boss teased in a flirty tone, approaching Y/N and moving some hair behind their ear. "I'm not blushing!" Y/N exclaimed, slapping Boss's hand away. "It's just hot in here-" Y/N looked away and covered their face. Boss chuckled, "You're so cute sometimes, you know that? I'll meet'cha upstairs." 

Y/N stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched him go up, still trying to process the interaction that just happened. Y/N took deep breaths and tried to calm down, holding a hand on their chest as their heart was beating really fast. eventually they gathered the courage to follow Boss upstairs.

You and Boss sat on the bed, close to each other. Boss had his hand around your waist and you laid your head on his shoulder. your laptop was in front of the two of you and you were watching your favorite show.

Suddenly, a kiss scene came on. you tried to ignore it, but you can't help but notice Boss looking at you. you glanced at him and noticed him giving you that same smirk from earlier, causing you to blush again. You noticed him blush a little too, he glanced back at the laptop screen before looking at you again, now with bedroom eyes.

You looked at the laptop and saw that there was something...spicy on the screen. Immediately you dove over and slammed the laptop shut, covering your mouth and looking down from embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, i didn't know that- would happen-" 

"Oh, Y/N~" Boss responded in a flirty tone again. you looked up at him and shot him a glare. "Don't-" Boss pulled you back over toward him, and laid you down on the bed, getting on top of you and pinning your wrists against the mattress. "Oh-" You blurted out in surprise. "I want to do that with you, Y/N~" He said, getting close to your face, his eyes now pink. "Do...what was going on in....the movie..?" You responded, your eyes widening. "Mhm~" Boss said as he nodded.

"O-oh..." You stuttered, your heartbeat increasing. "Sure, why- why not?" You were visibly flustered, looking away from Boss and trying to hide your smile. "Good~" Boss responded as he unzipped his pants.

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It was now early in the morning. 6:00 am. you groaned softly as you slammed your fist on the blaring alarm clock to silence it. you sat up and stretched, rubbing your eyes shortly after. it was only until you looked down and saw your pants off that the memories of last night came back to you. you looked over at Boss who was sound asleep next to you. All you could really say was "Oh..." and then a "Oh~" As the euphoria of what happened also came back to you. Boss's eyes slowly opened and immediately looked at you. he grumbled softly, "mornin'." You laid back down and wrapped your arms around him. "Good morning~" You responded, looking into his eyes. "Hmm...what time is it?" Boss asked, rubbing his eyes. "6:00 am." You responded, trailing your finger down his chest. 

"Ooh, i gotta get ready for work in a bit..." You whined, "Can you stay here and cuddle me for five more minutes? pleeeaase?"

Boss chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. "Sure, cutie~"

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