♡Chapter 2- She's Got Feelings♡

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-The Next Day-

Hailey was roaming around the school corridors, her music notebook secured safely in her arms. She was giving the hallway she was walking through glances every now and then, peeking at every corner.

"C'mon..Where is he?" Hailey asked herself in her thoughts. She brushed a lock of her hair away from her face, getting more clearance. She groaned quietly under her breath, just about to give up. She started to think this search was becoming pointless.

All of a sudden, Hailey caught sight of Drew, who was over at his locker, peering into it, presumably getting his books ready for the next class that was upcoming. Hailey beamed at her best friend and decided to sneak up on him, attempting to give him a little surprise.

Slowly, Hailey crept up behind Drew, a playful smirk displayed on her countenance. With that, she slightly pounced on him, wrapping her arms around his neck behind him, laughing as she did.

"Hey Drewy!" Hailey exclaimed with a huge grin. Drew looked back and chuckled upon seeing his girl buddy.

"Hey Hails!" He replied, feeling Hailey unwrap her arms away from his collarbone.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, you dork! I need to tell you something, and it's pretty personal. Actually, can we go somewhere private?" Hailey asked with a pleading frown.

Drew became concerned and closed his locker. "Of course.."

Hearing that, Hailey gently interlocked her hand with Drew's, squeezing it softly. They exchanged a small smile with eachother before they both speedily walked off to a more quiet place.

As they walked, Drew took notice of his hand holding Hailey's and decided to make a little remark. "Hailey, us holding hands is going to make the school think something different. The school is gonna think we're dating..and to be honest, that kind of makes me sick thinking about it. It makes me wanna throw up."

Hailey stopped in her tracks and glared at him, seeing the smug grin that Drew held. "Oh, haha. Very funny smartass."

Drew laughed and hit her on the shoulder, teasing her. "I'm only messing, Hails. Lead the way."

Hailey rolled her eyes, grinning in amusement before taking Drew outside into the school gardens, where they would have total peace and quiet without any interruptions.

-In The School Gardens-

Drew and Hailey felt the icy breeze flow through their strands of hair, feeling it hit against their skin. Drew watched Hailey's body language, noticing how nervous she looked. She bit her lip and fixed her gaze onto the paved stones. Drew placed his hands into his pockets, warming them up from the cold.

"Hailey? What's wrong? What did you want to tell me?" Drew asked, starting up the conversation. Hailey sucked in air through her teeth before meeting his eyes.

"Well, it's about..Jake.."

Drew only grew a bit shocked before soon connecting the dots. Judging by Hailey's body language and movements, he could already tell what was coming. It was no surprise to him at this point. Drew knew Jake and Hailey like the back of his hand. He could easily read them like a book.

"No need to say it. I already know. You like Jake, don't you?" Hailey's jaw almost dropped to the floor hearing the teenager.

"H-How did you..?" She questioned, almost speechless. Drew scoffed with a grin, crossing his arms.

"Hailey, I know you more than I know myself. I know you have feelings for Jake. Don't be afraid to admit it. You can say it." Drew said in a comforting tone. Hailey let out a sigh, nodding her head in response.

"Well, you've read my mind yet again. It's true..I like Jake. No, I love him. So much..My feelings about him have changed. I'm in love with him, Drew. He's so sweet, loving, nice, has a gorgeous singing voice..and is..incredibly handsome.."

Hailey admitted, going into a trance as she daydreamed about her crush. It wasn't long before she soon snapped out of it, seeing the teasing beam Drew showed on his face. Hailey went red out of embarrassment and cleared her throat.

"A-Anyway..I wanted to tell you this because, you're my best friend, and I know I can trust you with anything."

Drew smiled softly at the girl. "Aww, Hails.."

Hailey grinned back at him and continued. "Zander is already catching onto my feelings, but I haven't told him. I'm not sure how he would feel about this.."

Drew went up to Hailey and rested his hand around her shoulder. "Your secret is safe with me. I won't say a word to Jake. Don't worry.."

Hailey giggled and brought Drew into an embrace. "Thanks Drew.."

Hailey felt Drew return the hug, feeling his arms snake around her back. "Of course, Hails.."

Drew and Hailey soon made their way back into the school, walking together side by side. They decided to make their way over to Hailey's locker so that she could get her books for class.

Suddenly, Drew came to a halt, his eyes widening abruptly. Hailey stopped as well, puzzled on why Drew stopped walking. "Uh, Drew? What's wrong?" She questioned, an eyebrow of hers lifting up.

Soon enough, Hailey caught a girl named Zoey at her own locker, doing her eye makeup in complete concentration. The thing was, Zoey was Drew's ex-girlfriend. The two had recently broken up upon Zoey cheating on her boyfriend and for being a gold digger.

Hailey held onto Drew's arm protectively, staring at the girl that hurt him in anger. Hailey didn't like Zoey from the beginning, but ever since figuring out what she did to Drew, her hatred for Zoey grew even more.

Drew nervously glanced towards his side, not wanting to see Zoey right now. "Drew, it's okay..I know you don't want to see her. I know she hurt you. C'mon..Let's go another way..We'll just take the long way to my locker.."

Drew grinned softly at Hailey in appreciation. Hailey gave him a small hug, pressing the side of her head against his. "Thanks, Hailey.." Hailey pulled away from him, still holding the smile her face held.

"Don't mention it, Drew. While we go to my locker, let's try and find Jake on the way.."

Hailey and Drew then turned the other direction, trailing off through the school hallways to find Hailey's locker and Jake. Hailey was glad she had told Drew about her feelings for Jake. Now, all she hoped was that Jake felt the same way, and maybe, just maybe, her and Jake would become a loving couple.


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