♡Chapter 4- A Friend's Advice♡

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Jake sulked into the bean bag that he was sitting on, his eyes aimlessly staring at the ceiling lights. He huffed out an annoyed and confused sigh, not knowing what he should do in the current situation that he was in.

"Wait, so. Why did you come over to my house again?" Jake snapped out of his daydream and turned his head around, catching sight of Drew, who was sitting on another bean bag next to him, resting one leg over the other.

School had ended about an hour ago, and Jake decided to pay a little visit at Drew's place. The real reason for this is because he wanted help with Hailey. Jake really wanted to confess his feelings to her, but he didn't know how to.

"Drew, I can't get over my crush on Hailey. It's eating my mind up..I think my feelings for her are growing stronger." Jake said in a quiet voice, making eye-contact with him.

"Pfft, you think your feelings are growing stronger?"

Drew laughed slightly at his small remark as Jake rolled his eyes, groaning. "Jake, you have it bad for her. You can't stop thinking about Hailey. You can't stop staring at her in class or in the hallways, and overall, you are trying to snatch her and you aren't playing around. I noticed your behaviour throughout school today."

Jake blushed in awkwardness and crossed his arms. "You don't have to call me out on that! See, that's why I came over to your place! Can you give me some help? Like, what do you think I should do?" Jake pleaded him for help desperately.

"Why are you even asking me?!" Drew exclaimed, pointing at himself.

"Because, I'm not Hailey's only best friend! You are too! You know her as well as I do! The three of us are a trio!" Jake replied, placing his hands on his knees. He was about to make another pointer, but wasn't sure on how Drew would feel about this. Nonetheless, he decided to say it anyway.

"Now, I know you hate when this is brought up but, you have been in a relationship before. So, you know a thing or two about this..H-How did you ask Zoey out again?" Jake immediately captured Drew frown a little, looking away as he did. Jake felt guilty at himself for asking. He knows Zoey hurt Drew badly, and that Drew hates any mention of his ex.

"S-Sorry, bud..I'm sorry. I won't bring her up again.." Jake apologised to the teen, rubbing his neck, feeling a bit stupid.

"No, it's okay. I'll tell you.." Jake's eyes slightly shot open as he glanced over at Drew who's face held a small smile.

"You will?" Jake asked, making sure Drew was absolutely okay with this.

"Of course. I want things between you and Hailey to work out, so if this will help you, I'll tell you how I asked Zoey out.." Jake grinned at his best friend and patted his shoulder.

"Thanks, bro..I can always count on you.." Drew returned the grin, giving Jake a fist bump.

Drew then raised himself up from the bean bag and turned around, facing Jake. Jake looked at him in puzzlement. Drew dug his hands into his pockets before speaking up. "Alright, so. How Zoey and I got into a relationship was a long process. It did take a while for me and her to become a couple."

Jake listened attentively as he sank back into the bean bag. "What I did with Zoey was that, I made sure I treated her with kindness and respect, which is what you already do with Hailey, so that's fine. Since we were in the same classes, I tried my best to always be around her. Zoey and I became friends about three months after freshman year started. You already know that. And then, her and I started dating after a while of getting to know eachother.."

Drew sighed slowly before continuing. It was hard for him to talk about this, but he wanted to do it for Jake. "Since you and Hailey have been best friends for years, you already have a boost. Honestly, you just have to be your regular self around Hails. She already loves you for you. You don't have to change."

Jake smiled warmly at Drew's sentence. "Now, confessing. How I did it was that, I asked Zoey to meet me up at Rosemeadow Park. That's a nice place. To confess, I bought a bouquet of her favourite flowers, and her favourite chocolates. Then, after I met up with her, I was honest and expressed my feelings..or whatever.."

Drew trailed off his sentence, a lump forming in his throat. He truly loved Zoey, and treated her like a queen. If only she had loved him the same way he did. "Anyways, she accepted my feelings and, that's how it happened. And if she rejects you, you're gonna have to move on. You can't make someone love you."

Jake re-adjusted his position on the bean bag, still listening closely as he nodded his head in agreement. "Basically, be honest. Honesty is the best policy." Drew finished off, clearing his throat.

"Hey, thanks Drew..That really helps.." Jake said, standing up with a beam.

"No problem. Glad I could help. And I mean it, if you don't ask her out sooner or later, I will do it myself." Drew said with a smirk.

"Hey! Don't you dare! She's my crush!" Jake exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowed.

Drew laughed, punching Jake's arm. "I'm joking, man! She's all yours. I mean, me date Hailey? Lord no. She's like a big sister to me."

Jake chuckled at his comment. "That's what I thought.."

"Quick question. When do you see Hails next outside of school?" Drew questioned, leaning against the wall with one leg up.

"Well, I'm going to her house this weekend for band rehearsals." Jake replied.

"Hmm, well. Maybe you can try to get even more closer with her then and there? Well, you're already insanely close to Hailey, but..try and have some..moments with her? I don't bloody know.." Drew said, shrugging his shoulders.

Jake pondered to himself for a moment. "Huh, maybe I will.."

-The Next Day-

It was another regular morning in Rosemeadow High School. Jake and Drew had just made it to the building, followed by their other friends, Henry and Liam. The four boys conversed between them, laughing and making jokes.

Jake and Drew then both noticed Hailey, who was standing in front of the school alone, reading something in her music notebook. The teens gained a smirk in unison. "Hey lads. Jake and I will catch up with you two later. We just gotta do something real quick."

Drew suddenly spoke, getting Liam and Henry's attention. They both glanced at eachother confusingly but brushed it off. "Alright!" Liam said, as him and his lettuce- obsessed friend walked off.

With their friends gone, Jake and Drew slowly crept up behind the girl playfully. They soon made it behind her and quietly snickered. Hailey was so focused on her own thing, she didn't even hear them.

Suddenly, Hailey felt a pair of hands wrap around her eyelids, covering them. It was Jake, who laughed quietly to himself. Drew on the other hand, decided to do the talking.

"Guess who~?" Drew said, chuckling midway. Hailey scoffed, knowing that it was her two best boys.

"The US President." Hailey responded, giving her answer. Drew rolled his eyes, smirking.

"No, princess! It's us!" Jake whined unhappily as he removed his palms away from Hailey's eyes. Hailey turned around to them smugly, seeing Jake pout at her in disappointment. She blushed lightly at how adorable he was being.

"Oh really, Jake Sterling? I had no idea!" Hailey replied sarcastically as the three of them broke into a laughing fit. Hailey then brought Jake and Drew into a sudden embrace, hugging them both. The boys beamed shyly at this and returned it.

They soon broke the group hug apart as Hailey held onto her notebook against her chest. "Shall we go inside, boys?" Jake and Drew saluted at her before replying at the same time.

"Yes, ma'am!"


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