♡Chapter 6- Walking Her Home♡

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Hailey swept the floors of the music club with Sean's trusty broom, that he had allowed her to use. Cleaning the music club was usually something Sean would do, but Hailey insisted on doing it instead today. She wanted to give the DJ a break. Not to mention, it wasn't just Sean's club, it was the rest of the member's as well. They all had the responsibility of keeping it clean and dusted.

Holding the broom up straight, Hailey let out a sigh, giving her arms a small rest from the continuous sweeping they had just engaged in. She couldn't wait to go home after this and have a taste of her mother Shannon's amazing cooking. It always made her feel better after a tiring day at Rosemeadow High School.

The ocean-haired teenager was just about to resume her cleaning until suddenly, the door leading into the club opened loudly. She turned her head around, a bit startled. Jake was abruptly pushed inside by Drew, who had a smirk on his face. Hailey was extremely unamused.

"Oh, there you are. I was thinking you decided not to show up to help me clean..I texted you like six times, you dork.." Hailey said, folding her arms. Jake held onto his neck in embarrassment as Drew chuckled.

"Sorry about that, Hails. This orangutan forgot about meeting you after school to help you clean up the club. And his phone was on silent, which is why he didn't respond. So, I brought him here for you." Drew said, ruffling Jake's hair as if he were a puppy teasingly.

"Ah, Drew! Not the hair! We've talked about this!" Jake exclaimed, smacking his hand off. Hailey rolled her eyes and walked up to the boys.

Jake looked at her, nervously laughing. "I'm sorry, princess! I didn't mean to forget! It just...slipped off my mind.."

"Uh huh.." Hailey said with a monotone voice.

"Yeah, Hailey..I'm disappointed as well.." Drew blurted out, grinning as Jake glared at him. "That's our forgetful Jakey boy. A guy who has the brain size of a peanut."

Jake scoffed as he saw the smug smiles on both his friend's faces. "Can the two of you knock it off?! I'm here now! God.."

Hailey giggled as she nudged Jake's arm. "Alright, alright..Atleast you're here now.."

Drew glanced down at his watch and noticed the time. "I better head, guys. Need to get home.." He said, getting their attention.

"Ok, Drew. I'll call you tonight!" Hailey replied with a smile.

"I shall be awaiting your call, madam!" Hailey chuckled at Drew's reply.

"And, Jake.." Drew started, going closer to him as he neared Jake's ear lobe. "Enjoy your alone time with Hailey~" Jake's eyes widened, his face blushing madly. He punched Drew's arm in awkwardness and frustration.

"Shut thy consumption hole. You can leave now." Jake whispered back to him, hands in his pockets. Drew held his hands up in defense, smiling.

"Okay, okay.." Hailey was confused, however.

"What did you say?" She asked Drew, making Jake frantically turn around.

"Nothing! He said nothing!" Jake answered for Drew sheepishly. Hailey brushed it off, shrugging her shoulders.

Drew waved at the two singers and walked out of the music club room, shutting the door behind him as he did so. Jake fixed his gaze onto Hailey, who was staring him down with a face that didn't look so happy.

"...What?" Jake questioned.

"What?! Really Jake? You and your forgetful mindset. What's next? You're gonna forget band rehearsals are on this weekend too?" Hailey exclaimed, causing Jake's mouth to open a little in shock.

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