♡Chapter 9- Following The Plan♡

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"Hold on, hold on! So, Jake and Hailey like eachother?!"

"And you're planning to set them up together at someplace called 'Acre Field' in hopes that they will confess their love to one another?!"

Drew nodded his head 'yes' at Henry and Liam's questions. He had told the two boys. He had told them everything. Well, he had to, didn't he? Drew's plan had taken a different turn in direction. He didn't want to tell them. He knew he had to keep Jake and Hailey's feelings a secret, but he had no choice. It was the only way for them to better understand the situation.

Besides, it's not like Drew was breaking the promise that he had made to Jake and Hailey if you think about it logically. The promise was that he wouldn't tell Jake or Hailey about the other's feelings, and he hasn't done that. So, Drew is good on that part.

"Yes, it's all true. I had no plans to tell anyone about this, but it looks like I have to.." Drew said, quite disappointed. "See. What happened was that, I asked both Jake and Hailey to meet up with me at Acre Field for a hangout this Sunday between me and them at 6pm. They had agreed separately. I then told the both of them that the other was not going to show up, so that they would bump into eachother unexpectedly this coming Sunday."

Drew huffed out, facepalming afterwards. "But now, things have taken a different approach. And this is where you both come in. Jake then suggested that I invite you guys to the hangout as well. So, I need your help."

Drew then brought Henry and Liam close to him, huddling in a small circle to make sure nobody else heard. "So, get this. We are gonna make Jake think you guys are coming to this hangout, alright? You guys can act totally hyped about it all you want. But, do not mention the plan, or Hailey at all to him! Jake thinks Hailey is not coming. If you're around Hailey, same thing applies. Do not mention anything to her! If she is around me and talks about this Sunday, keep quiet! You don't have to worry about Jake talking about the hangout in front of Hailey. He is not going to do it. I used an excuse, like she would feel left out."

"Jesus Almighty, so much information.." Liam suddenly spoke out, holding onto his head in confusion.

"My brain..cannot handle this, Drew.." Henry continued, staring dead at him. Drew rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"Whatever. I'm doing this for Jake and Hailey. Do you guys understand the plan and what to do?"

Henry and Liam nodded their heads in unison. "Yes, yes. We get it. Jake and Hailey? In love. Location for planned confession? Acre Field. Are we playing along in front of Jake? Yes, we are. What day is this happening? Sunday. Time? 6pm. Say anything in front of Hailey? Absolutely not. Hotel? Trivago." Liam said with much pride as Henry gave him a round of applause teasingly.

Drew snickered and sighed in relief, glad that his friends knew exactly what to do. "I just really hope this plan still works despite its turn of events.."

Henry and Liam went up to him and placed their palms on both his shoulders. "It'll be fine, man. You'll be able to watch Jake and Hailey suck face this Sunday, trust us!"

That sentence was enough to make Drew grimace. "Bro, what? No, I just want them to get together. Not to watch them kiss or whatever, damn.." Henry laughed as Liam chuckled. All of a sudden, from the corner of his eye, Liam caught sight of Jake who seemed to be walking over to the three boys.

"Jake alert! Jake alert! I repeat, Jake Sterling is on his way, sarge!" Liam bellowed quietly in Drew's ear.

"Oh my god, oh my god! Alright, just you guys watch. I'm gonna win a Grammy for this acting!" Henry boasted out, clearing his throat as he watched Jake approach them.

"Sup, guys!" Jake greeted them with a wave.

"Yes, Jake. We are so excited to go to Acre Field this Sunday!" Henry blurted out with a huge grin on his face. Drew slapped his face in embarrassment as Jake raised an eyebrow.

"Can you be any more obvious?!" Drew whispered to the green-haired boy. Henry turned his head around and looked at Drew, meeting his unamused stare.

"Too strong?" He asked him, whispering. Liam nodded in response as Drew glared.

Jake soon caught onto Henry's words. "Oh, right! I'm assuming Drew told you both about the lil' boys night out we're having this Sunday?" Jake questioned with an enthusiastic smile.

Liam then decided to step in and take over. "Yes, Jake! And luckily for you, Henry and I can come! This'll be a blast, won't it?"

Jake grinned widely at him and gave him a high five. "Fuck yeah!" He exclaimed as the four boys laughed together. As they were having fun in the hallway, it wasn't long before Henry noticed Hailey, who was walking down the same hallway they were in.

"Liam! Liam! Hailey Austin on fast approach! Remember what Drew said? Don't mention anything around her!" Henry quietly muttered in Liam's ear.

"Oh yes! That's right! Okay, shut your mouth and don't say anything in 3..2..1!"

Hailey went up to the four boys with a grin. "Hey guys! Look at you all laughing together having fun!" Hailey expressed with a smirk. Jake and Drew chuckled as they both trailed closer to her. Drew wrapped his arm around Hailey's shoulder as Jake grinned at her smugly.

"See, Jake? Our best friend Hailey is just so obsessed with us, she can't stop watching and drooling over us from afar!" Drew remarked, winking at the girl.

"I agree, Drew! Oh, princess..If you can't stop thinking about us, we have no problem staying by your side 24/7.." Jake added on, playing with Hailey's hair.

"Oh, really boys? Is that the case? 'Cause right now, it looks like you both are obsessed with me. Look at you guys. Playing with my hair. Wrapping your arms around me. I could go on honestly.." Jake and Drew laughed at Hailey's reply before soon bringing her into a loving hug, their heads touching both sides of her forehead.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you both too.." Hailey hugged them back affectionately. The three of them soon broke the embrace apart before Hailey fixed her attention onto the other two boys.

"Hey Liam! Hey Henry!" She said happily, giving them both a small wave. However, she got no reply, as the both of them kept their mouths closed, staring right at the blue-haired girl. Hailey grew puzzled at this.

"Uh, guys? Hello?!" She tried again, still getting no response. Drew mouthed a "What are you doing?!" to them as Jake scratched his head in confusion. "Um, okay? Anyway..I'm gonna walk off there.."

"Oh, I'll come with you!" Jake said, brushing up to her side.

"Sure, dorkface.." Hailey replied, nudging his arm playfully.

"I'll stay with these two.." Drew spoke, his arms going around Liam and Henry's shoulders.

"Alright! Bye Drewy!" Hailey said as her and Jake then travelled down the corridor, soon engaging in a conversation between them.

When they were gone, Drew instantly glared at the boys, crossing his arms. "What the hell were you guys doing?! Why were you both not speaking to Hailey?!" Drew nearly shouted, causing Liam and Henry to be taken aback at his abrupt question.

"You said to not say anything around Hailey!" Henry responded in defense.

Drew groaned to himself before looking back up at them. "That didn't mean not talking to her at all! What I meant was that you don't mention anything about the Acre Field hangout in front of her! Christ on a bike.."

Henry and Liam's eyes widened hearing Drew be more specific, even though he was already specific from the beginning. "Oh....!" They said at the same time, chuckling sheepishly after.

"Bro, why didn't you say so from the beginning?" Liam asked him, snickering under his breath. Drew rolled his eyes as he listened to the two boys and their continuous and contagious laughter, echoing through the school's corridors as they did so.


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