♡Chapter 12- The Awaited Confession♡

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Staring at his reflection in the mirror, Jake brushed his strawberry peach-coloured locks of hair with a comb. The time had just gone past 5:00pm. Jake was right now getting ready for the hangout at Acre Field that was at 6:00pm. He didn't want to be late for it as he knew that he had a habit of arriving late to events. Jake wasn't a very punctual person.

Setting his comb down, he adjusted his jacket for the final touches before deciding that he was finally ready. He let out a sigh before soon growing excited. "This hangout will sure be fun!" He told himself, chuckling afterwards. Jake loved to hang out with his best boys. He honestly thought of them as his three, chaotic brothers.

Jake speedily went out his bedroom and down the stairwell before making it to the front door. He waved goodbye to his family members and his best friend Oreo before heading outside, leaving his humble abode. Jake was going to take the bus from Lunime Boulevard, which is where he lived, to reach Clozy Avenue. He was just filled to the brim with excitement as he hurriedly made his way to the bus stop.


Hailey combed her loose strands of hair that fell down, resting against her back. Instead of it being in its usual ponytail, Hailey chose to let it loose this time. She brushed her hair into a style she liked before placing her hairbrush down.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, liking the way she looked right now. She then dug into her makeup bag and took out her mascara, carefully applying it to her eyelashes in complete concentration. Once that was done, she took out her lipgloss and applied it to her luscious lips, which highlighted her rosy cheeks.

Fixing her hair once more, Hailey paced out of her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. She then walked downstairs and headed towards the front door, leading outside her house.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going!" Hailey exclaimed, making her parents aware of her leaving the place.

"Okay, Tiny! Say 'hi' to Drew for us!" Shannon replied back, earning a laugh from Hailey in return.

"I will! Bye Zan-Zan! Bye Bethy!" Hailey said, greeting her siblings goodbye as she called them by the nicknames she used for them, though she heard no reply from either of the two. She shrugged her shoulders, assuming they were both doing their own thing upstairs in their respective rooms. With that, Hailey opened the door and headed outside, starting the journey to Acre Field to meet her best friend, Drew.


"C'mon, someone has to show up by now.." Drew muttered lowly to himself as he hid behind a tree. Earlier on, Drew had texted Jake and Hailey about meeting on a certain ledge in the field for them to watch the sunset together. However, he hasn't seen any of them turn up yet. The sun was slowly setting as the evening approached, causing the atmosphere to grow darker by each minute.

Within a few seconds, Drew immediately caught sight of his girl buddy Hailey from quite afar. Her teal locks shined in the pale sunlight, giving it away that it was her. Drew smiled immensely as he watched Hailey approach the ledge him and her were supposed to meet on.

"Yes! There's Hailey..Now, where is Jake..?" Drew murmured quietly to himself. Even though he wasn't the one confessing, Drew couldn't help but feel incredibly nervous. He really hoped everything would turn out alright. Henry and Liam wanted to come to Acre Field as well to see this whole thing play out, but Drew told them not to, as he thought it would be best for only him to go, just in case. Drew shook his thoughts away before keeping his eyes on Hailey again.


"Okay, I'm here. But, where's Drew..? Maybe he just needs a few more minutes..I'm sure this is the right field anyway, and I'm sure this is the right ledge Drew wanted us to meet up on...Calm down, Hails. He just needs a bit more time. He'll be here soon..I'll just wait.."

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