☆Double Date☆(BONUS CHAPTER!)

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AN: Surprise surprise! Here's a bonus chapter for you all! I missed this story and I loved writing another chapter for this. People probably forgot about this story so I don't know if this will get attention but aye, that's okay. Enjoy!

(This chapter is based on the events after the Epilogue. It is recommended you read that first.)


"This. Is. Not. A. Date!"

The magenta-haired teenager sulked as he sat on his bean bag, a video game controller held tightly in his grasp. Next to him, his best friend Jake was situated on the second bean bag, a controller also in his hand.

"Oh come on, Drew! When you think about it, Stacy practically asked you out!" Jake said, his two thumbs simultaneously pressing the buttons.

"Yeah, as a hangout! I don't think she meant it as a date! Chill, would you?!" Drew slightly exclaimed, his eyes glued to the TV screen in front of him and Jake. The two of them were playing a multiplayer video game together at Drew's house. School had ended a while back for them.

"But, Drew...I think Stacy really likes you.." A sudden female voice piped in, getting Drew's attention as he partially looked back, still keeping his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Oh come on, Hails. Let's not go that far.." Drew responded, revealing the voice to be Hailey's. She was sitting on another bean bag behind Drew and Jake, watching them both participate in their game. From the looks of it, the boys looked very serious. Like they were desperate to beat eachother. She found it amusing to see her boyfriend and best friend compete head to head, knowing how competitive they could get.

"Wait, wait! NO!" Jake suddenly yelled out, holding onto his head in defeat. At that moment, the game ended, signalling the round had come to an end.

"And...I win again! In your face, Sterling! Did you catch that, Hails?!" Drew celebrated his victory with a laugh, turning around to the teal-haired girl.

"Saw the whole thing in black and white. Well done, Drewy!" Hailey shared a high five with him, causing Jake to groan even louder.

"This sucks.." Jake pouted, setting the controller down. His reaction made Hailey awe in sadness as she lingered near him.

"You'll get 'em next time, sweetheart.." She reassured him, kissing his cheek softly. The gesture was enough to make Jake's face turn red and his insides churn with butterflies. A smile was then formed on his mouth as he gazed back at his girlfriend.

"Thanks, babe.." Jake winked at her. Hailey's cheeks stinged and became a bright red as she glanced away shyly. "See, Drew? Whenever I call Hailey 'babe', she goes crazy! It's so cute..!"

Hailey became flustered at Jake's remark and gently punched him in the shoulder. "Shut up, idiot..." She muttered quietly. She could hear the boys laugh to themselves at her shy behaviour. "I can't help it! I'm not used to these kind of nicknames.."

"Well, you better get used to it! 'Cause I will be calling you a lot of them! Alright, babe..?" Jake pinched Hailey's cheek teasingly. She slapped his hand off, making Jake retract it towards his chest.

"Owie, princess! That hurts..!" Jake showed a fake frown on his face, rubbing his palm. Hailey rolled her eyes, clearly able to tell that Jake wasn't being serious.

Jake held out his hand towards Drew's face, earning a confused look from him in return. "Look, Drew! I'm in pain! Hailey slapped my hand!"

"So, what do you want me to do? Kiss it better or some shit? Get it away from my face." Drew waved Jake's hand away from his countenance. "You know Hailey gets snappy when she's angry. You should have expected this.." Drew snickered, along with Hailey.

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