♡Chapter 7- The Phone Call♡

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Hailey paced around her cool bedroom, holding a phone up to her ear as she walked back and forth. The moon dimmed its pale light through the room's transparent window, silver gleams reflecting itself off the walls. Hailey dug her hand deep into her locks, awaiting for a response.

"C'mon Drew. Pick up.." She muttered lowly, slightly annoyed. Within seconds, her magenta-haired friend finally picked up the call, clearing his throat.

"Hello? Hails?"

"Geez, there you are Drew. Why did it take you so long to pick up the phone?" Hailey asked, a bit frustrated. She then sat down onto her covers, giving her legs a rest from all the pacing she did.

"Sorry, Hailey. My phone was upstairs in my room charging while I was downstairs."

Hailey let out a sigh before shaking it off. "It's alright, Drew. Don't worry. But, I did say I would be calling you sometime after school today, didn't I?" Drew snickered listening to his girl buddy. He could honestly hear her smirk as she uttered that question.

"Yes you did, madam!"

Drew exclaimed with a laugh, making Hailey giggle. "Anyways, I wanted to call you because, well..It's about Jake.." Hailey bit her lip, trailing off her sentence quietly.

"Aw, come on. I thought you were calling me because I'm your best friend and you wanna talk to me.."

Hailey scoffed with a smile, her eyes rolling. She could hear Drew chuckle to himself. "Well, yes. That too. But, I just need some help with him. I..I don't know what to do..I don't know how much longer I can continue hiding my feelings for him. My brother won't stop pestering me about it. Milly won't stop teasing me about it. The list goes on, Drew Bear. Can you help me? What should I do?"

Drew felt extremely sorry for Hailey. He wished he was there with her, so that he could give her all the hugs and support she needed. And of course, her bubble tea, which was her comfort drink.

"Hails, I'm not exactly sure on what you should do. All we do know is that you're going to have to tell Jake sooner or later.."

Hailey facepalmed, gently hitting her head against the wall. "I know, I know! But, how should I tell him? I'm afraid that he may not feel the same way back and he'll reject me. Like, if he rejects me, of course I'll respect that but things will go awkward between us, and I'll be heartbroken..My feelings have grown way too strong for him to reject me.."

Hailey felt a little tear well up in her eye as she struggled to blink it back. Unfortunately, she failed. The tear slid down her rosy cheek near her lips. She brushed it away, feeling her fingers go moist with the touch. Drew was easily able to tell that Hailey was getting emotional.

"Awh, Hailey..Don't be upset, muffin. Don't you fret. I'll do anything I can to help you..I promise. You and Jake are perfect together, and I will do everything I can in my power to help you get together with him.."

Hailey smiled softly, her cheeks becoming warm. "See? This is why I called you. I wouldn't have been able to talk about this with anyone else. Not even with Luke or something. And I've known him since I was a small child..This is one of the reasons why I'm super lucky to have you in my life.." Drew grinned warmly, chuckling lowly.

"Love ya, Hails.."

"Love you too, Drew.."

Drew thought to himself for a little bit before a huge idea popped into his head. This idea may just get Jake and Hailey finally together into a loving relationship with one another. All he hoped was that it wouldn't flop.

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