Versus Traeger - Part 3

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(Dakotas POV)

A/N - YALL! I literally animated this myself!!! I'm so proud of it for some reason😅 

Veracity was definitely surprised at the offer we gave her. We offered her a place on the mech-x4 team and she asked for some time to think about it. Of course that's very understandable.

After we said goodbye to Veracity, the team all drove in Marks car behind us while Kendall and I drove in ours to the airport. We parked and walked in, my sister and I checked our bags before walking through the air port towards security.

We stopped of to the side of everyone walking through just before the sign stopping anyone that's not traveling had to stop.

"Hey excuse me?" I said to a young couple passing by, "Do you mind getting some pictures of us?" 

"Of course." The women said handing her bag to the man. We did a groups photo, then just me and my sister, than just Ryan and I. 

"Thank you so much," I said going to take my phone back from the lady.

"Ah, Wait we need a few more." Ryan says stopping me. I was confused, while he looked back at the rest of his our team with a smirk on his face.

"What did you do?" I asked. He motioned at the team and they all began to take of the zip up shirts and pull over hoodies they had on. Underneath they all had one of my merchandise shirts.  "Awwww, You all are adorable."

"Yeah, it was my idea." Ryan says fixing his shirt. "You don't mind do you?"

"Not at all." The woman holding my phone said as we took a few steps back to the group for more pictures.

"Thank you so much." I said taking the phone back from her.

"Anytime." She smiled as she and the guy she was with continued walking.

"These are adorable." I said scrolling through the pictures.

"Ready?" Kendall asked me. I nodded picking up my carry on backpack. 

"Wait, before we go." I said picking up my skateboard from the floor and a paint marker from my bag. "I want all of you to sign this, and write whatever you want." 

"Me first!" Spyder says excitedly taking the board and marker from my hands. While Spyder, Harris then Mark, wrote on my board, I held my phone above my head taking a video of Ryan and I. He smiled stretching out his shirt so the camera could see my initials across his shirt. 

"This is going on my Instagram story, I'm teasing my return." I said adding the video to my story. "Don't worry I'm tagging you."

"Your turn." Mark says handing my board to Ryan. He thought about what to write while I said goodbye to the others. 

"Here you go." Ryan says handing me the board and marker.

"I'll call you when we land okay?" I said taking them back. He hugged me before standing with his brother. Me and my sister started to walk towards security when we heard Spyder yell,

"Bring it home!" I laughed and yelled back, 

"Will do!"

While the two of us walked to security I read what all the four guys had written on my board.

We all know you're going to kill it, bring home that gold! Tampa is not ready for you! We all love you and good luck! 

- Spyder

I had Ryan slip some extra wheel rings into your bag just in case, modified them myself. If and when you win I want to be personally thanked (jk) Good luck!

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now