013. oktoberfest and pantophobia

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Larissa stands around as she eats a big pretzel and has a soda in the other hand. She walks around, not paying much attention, when she knocks into somebody.

"Oh, sorry--"

"My bad." The man's voice says.

Larissa looks up and finds Sam, spotting Dean next to him.

"Aw, fuck, what are you guys doing here?" Larissa asks.

"Nice to see you, too, Larissa." Dean sarcastically retorts. She gives him a sarcastic smile.

"Given the monkey suits, I assume you're here for business and not pleasure." Larissa says.

"You didn't hear about the case?" Sam asks.

"What case?" Larissa asks.

"Why are you here if you're not hunting?" Sam asks.

"It's Oktoberfest, Samuel. A girl likes to fun sometimes." Larissa says. "You two have fun with your case, leave me out of it. It's my weekend off."

"Weekend off? Really?" Dean asks.

"Yes. Now, if you see me, act like you don't know me because I don't care." Larissa smiles. "And remember, if you don't follow my instructions, I can make a scene and get you guys taken away. Two giants harassing a pretty girl? Not good."

She bites into her pretzel and walks off.

"You know, your little girlfriend's got a pretty snarky attitude." Dean comments.

"She isn't my girlfriend." Sam rolls his eyes. "And you're not any better half the time."

"Oh, right, no, yeah, cause Ruby's your girlfriend now." Dean remarks.

"She isn't my girlfriend either." Sam says.

"Hey, you gotta be sleeping with one of them." Dean says and Sam rolls his eyes.

"Just focus on the case, would you?" Sam says through gritted teeth.


Larissa is sitting at a booth in the bar and looks up when two people sit across from her.

"I will scream." She threatens.

"Look, just... hear us out." Sam says.

"And why should I do that?" Larissa asks with a sigh.

"Well, uh... um... do we have anything over her?" Sam asks Dean.

"Uh... no." Dean shakes his head.

"Look, this thing is dressing up as old timey monsters. You know, Dracula and Wolfman." Sam says.

"So the creep has a thing for old horror flicks. Maybe it's just some weirdo with an obsession." Larissa says.

"Yeah, but... we really do think it's our kind of thing. Can we just explain it, please?" Sam asks, his puppy dog eyes on display.

"I hate you." Larissa mutters. "What?" She asks.

They explain the case in as much detail as they can.

"So? Weirdo with an obsession." Larissa shrugs.

"Really?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. I-- Dean has a date tonight. Surely you guys aren't super worried about this being your kind of thing if you can play fuckboy for the evening." Larissa remarks.

"Hey, I am not a fuckboy." Dean argues. Larissa raises her eyebrow with a knowing look. "Okay, yeah, maybe." He mumbles.

"You two enjoy your weekend. Do not contact me again." Larissa says. She puts money on the table and leaves.

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