021. two grumpy old men

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The brothers are in town on a case and stopped by the motel to change out of their fed suits before they went to the hotel that a missing person goes to often.

There's a knock on the door and Dean looks at it confused as Sam answers it.

"Hey." He smiles, stepping aside.

"Hey." Larissa smiles back, walking in. "Hey, Dean."

"Hey, Rissa. What, uh... how'd you get here?" Dean asks.

"A car." She answers.

"Mm, yeah, funny." Dean rolls his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I called her." Sam states. "Figured maybe... you know, maybe she could help on the case. Three brains are better than two, right? Plus it's been a while since we saw her, so." He shrugs.

"Oh, you-you called her?" Dean asks, a small smirk on his face.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"You called her." Dean repeats.

"Yes." Sam nods again, looking at his brother weirdly. Dean just smiles and nods.

"You said you two were good." Larissa mumbles to Sam. "You know, after the whole... break and fighting things."

"We-We are. I mean, you know, basically. I don't know what his deal is right now." Sam says.

"You called her." Dean chuckles.

"Is there an issue, Dean?" Sam asks.

"Not at all." Dean argues, shaking his head. "Come on, let's go. Losing daylight." He grabs his jacket, walking out of the room.

Larissa looks up at Sam and he awkwardly smiles, motioning for her to leave first, which she does.


The three are walking down the hall of the hotel to where Cliff's room is.

"Well, at least he's consistent. Same room every Tuesday, hourly rates." Sam says.

"Hope I got that kind of luck when I'm his age." Dean says.

"Yeah, like either of us will live that long." Sam says.

"True." Dean says.

"Bobby's pretty old." Larissa says. "Don't tell him I said that." She says making Sam chuckle.

"So... what do you think's in there?" Sam asks as they stop outside the door.

"A wrinkly, gooey corpse." Dean states.

"Ew." Larissa mumbles.

Sam takes his lockpick kit out and picks the lock.

"Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!" A man yells out from in the room. The three look at each other before Sam opens the door. Larissa's jaw drops, her eyes widening at what they just walked in.

A man and woman are sitting in bed, both at least mostly naked, if not completely.

"Oh." Sam mumbles.

Another woman sits up, appearing from under the covers.

"This is extremely awkward." Larissa whispers.

"It's gooey." Sam notes.

Both of the women get out of the bed, quickly going to the side of the room.

"Sorry. Uh, got the wrong room." Dean says.

"Close the door!" The man orders.

"Hey." Sam stops. "Nice tattoo." He walks into the room. "Happen to know anybody named Cliff Whitlow?"

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