039. spider-man

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Larissa went to Bristol with Dean and Sam after the latter got coordinates texted to him from a number that none of them recognized. Larissa's been going on some hunts with them, finding that being around Sam helps her become more comfortable with him again. He's finally normal again, laughing at all of her little jokes and his puppy dog eyes she loves yet hates at the same time.

The three are sitting in a restaurant and going through research.

"Well, freak's got a type -- brunettes." Dean says. "Whoa. This one's got a little bit of a wild side." He shows them one of the photos. "It's all in the eyes, Sam. See it?"

"All right, well, aside from your little deep insight there, these women actually have nothing in common. Different jobs, different friends, different everything. So, what's the connection?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. Why don't you figure that out? I'm gonna go hit the poop deck." Dean points to the sign marking where the bathrooms are. He gets up, leaving the table.

"You get anything?" Sam asks.

"Nope." Larissa shakes her head.

"Agent Roark?" The two look up to see a woman looking at Sam. "It's good to see you again."

"It is." Sam says.

"Oh, you remember my husband?" She gestures to the man by her.

"Right." Sam forces a smile.

"Don." The woman says.

"Of course, right. Um, hi." Sam greets.

"So, you're back cause it started again, right? The disappearances?" The woman asks.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, right. Um... so, if either of you two hear anything, please let me know." Sam says.

"Where's your partner? The big, bald guy? Agent Wynand, right?" The woman asks.

"Agent Wynand, of course. Well--" Before either of them can come up with a lie, Dean is back.

"Sex rehab." He says. "Yeah, you've heard of plushies, right?"

"This is, uh-- this is my new partner. So is she." Sam says, pointing to his brother and Larissa.

"Hi. Pleasure." Dean shakes the woman's hands. "How you doing? Hi." He shakes Don's hand. "Uh, so, agent, we should, uh--"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." Sam says.

"Of course. Uh, nice chatting with you, Agent Roark." The woman says.

"You too." Sam says. She touches Sam's shoulder as her and her husband walk off.

"What was that? She just cougar eyed you." Dean notes.

"I think Samuel and I have worked a case in this town." Sam says.

"You think?" Dean scoffs. He shows the younger two a polaroid that's full of customers, some guy having won an eating contest. Larissa spots Sam and Samuel in the background of the photo.

"Come on. Let's get the hell out of here." Dean says.


"Hey, come on. Hop to, would you?" Dean tells Sam as he packs.

"We can't go, Dean." Sam says.

"Uh, yeah, we can." Dean argues.

"No, listen. Five guys went missing a year ago. They never found the bodies. I mean, that's got to be the job me and Samuel worked, right?" Sam asks.

"Great. What difference does it make?" Dean asks.

"A year ago, five guys go missing, and-and now suddenly, all these women go missing. Something's here. So, either we just didn't stop it, or we only thought we did." Sam says.

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