080. "that was incredibly hot"

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The brothers get out of the car after Dean pulls up to the motel.

"Wow. You know, of all the lame ass things you've ever said, that's got to be the lame-assiest." Dean says.

"I'm sorry, but I happen to think Shemp was a funnier stooge than Curly." Sam says.

"Curly was a fucking genius!" Dean exclaims.

"I always found Curly's work a bit obvious." Sam says as Larissa hands a sleeping Athena to him. Larissa grabs the diaper bag and notices Dean has her bag, so she just follows them to the motel room.

"It's supposed to be obvious, man. They're stooges." Dean says, unlocking the door and the three walk into the room, Sam turning the lights on.

"So, we calling James tonight?" Sam asks.

"No. I'll just call him tomorrow. That drive was a bitch." Dean says.

"I wonder what he wanted." Sam says, putting his bag on the bed. Dean puts Larissa's bag on the bed before putting his own bag on his bed.

"Well, his text said that he needed help. He's a cop. I figured it was work related." Dean says.

"Yeah, well, we do owe him." Sam says.

"The guy saved our lives once, Sammy. I mean, it's not like the guy--"

"Saved our lives?"

"I'm gonna go for a beer run. You need anything?"

"No, I'm good."

"You sure?"


"Cause you did just gank a Hellhound, which is no slice of pie and, uh, there is a mine field of who knows what crap ahead. Just want to make sure that you are okay."

"I'm good."

"Cause, you know, we could find another devil dog. You could tag out. I could snuff the son of a bitch."

Larissa can tell Sam is getting visibly annoyed and she notices Athena squirm around a bit.

"Dean, Kevin doesn't even know what the next trial is yet. So whatever it is you're worried about, stop. I'll be ready." Sam states.

Dean nods and leaves. Sam sighs, looking at Larissa.

"I believe in you, but you're also waking her up." Larissa nods to the baby.

"Sorry." Sam whispers, though Larissa isn't sure if he's apologizing to her or the baby -- though, probably both. Sam gives Athena to Larissa before grabbing his bathroom bag and going to the sink.

Larissa stands up and slowly paces, patting Athena's back to get her back to sleep.

They hear a scraping at the door and Sam goes over to it. He opens it and a Doberman runs in and jumps on Dean's bed.

"Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Sam says and the dog whines. "Uh... no. Um... Lissy?"

"I don't know what to do." She says, tightening her hold on Athena slightly. Sam shuts the door and goes to the dog.

"Hey. You friendly?" Sam starts to pet the dog who accepts the affection. "Friendly. Good. All right. You're a pretty dog." Sam says. The dog rolls over and Sam scratches her belly. "Oh, really? You want, uh-- you want a little belly scratch, huh? So, who do you belong to?"

"Right. No tags. Uh, what are you doing here?" Sam turns when he hears the Impala's engine. He sends a panicked look to Larissa who shrugs.

"Oh, no." Sam whispers. "Come on." He grabs Larissa's arm, dragging her to the door.

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