075. dirty trick

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Larissa is sitting in the backseat while Dean has gone to get them food. Sam is in the passenger seat and on the phone.

"Yeah. And you're certain? You sure? Okay. Great. Just, uh, just hang tight till you hear from me, okay?" Sam tells the person as Dean gets in the car.

"Who is it?" Dean whispers, but Sam just holds up a finger to quiet him. Dean hands Larissa her drink and food.

"No, listen to me. I said hang tight." Sam hangs up. "We got to get."

"Can I at least finish my burger?" Dean asks.

"We got a vamp to kill, Dean. Carencro, Louisiana." Sam says.

"Huh. It's been a while since I've had some etouffee. Who's the source?" Dean asks.

"Martin Creaser." Sam informs.

"Sorry. For a minute there, I thought you said Martin Creaser." Dean says. Sam doesn't correct him. "Crazy Martin from the loony bin?"

"Glendale Springs discharged him last month." Sam says.

"And? Shouldn't he be assembling toys in a padded room? What's he doing back on the job?" Dean asks.

"I asked him." Sam says.

"You what?" Dean asks.

"Look, he called me when he got out, okay? Asked if I had anything for him that might help him ease back into the game. He seemed okay -- mostly -- so I said yes. I've had him tracking Benny for the past week."

"You put "mostly okay" Martin on Benny? What is "mostly okay" doing hunting at all?"

"Not hunting, Dean -- tracking. Observe and report only. I was crystal clear about that."

"Wow. I can't believe that."

"Really, Dean? You don't believe that? Because Benny's a vampire. And any hunter worth his salt isn't gonna let one just walk around freely. So I had Martin keep tabs on him. And right now, it's looking like I made the right call."

"And Martin's saying Benny did this?"


"Okay." Dean says after a moment.

"Okay?" Sam asks.

"If Benny's in Louisiana draining folks... we should look into it." Dean says.

"Okay, okay. This is all, um... very informing and all that. But I am not going on this. Especially cause I know you two are about to be little bitches to each other, so, uh... I'll get a motel here."

"Lissy, you're nine months." Sam says.

"Yeah, I know. If I go into labor a earlier than predicted, I will call you. And then I will call an ambulance or try to drive myself to the hospital. But I'm not sitting around with you two just to get super stressed out and pissed off."

"I'm kind of with Sam on this, shockingly." Dean says.

Larissa grabs Dean's ear and twists it.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." He repeats.

"Drive me to a motel, Dean." She orders.

"Okay. Okay. Okay! Motel, motel." He says and she lets go of his ear. "Ow." He rubs his ear.


Sam and Martin are in the woods and looking for Benny.

"Something spooked him." Martin says.

Sam's phone buzzes and he takes it out, reading the text from Larissa.

Sammy, I need you to come back. I think something's wrong. It might be the baby. Come quick, please.

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