079. first trial

876 33 23

Sam walks into his and Larissa's bedroom, stopping at the differences. There's pictures set up on top of the dresser -- Jo and Larissa; Sam, Larissa, Bobby, and Dean; Athena when she was born; and Larissa & Sam when they got married.

Athena's crib sits in the corner of the room, her stuff neatly set up by the crib, yet it still looks like a complete mess at the same time.

Larissa is currently standing by the crib, her back to Sam.

"Really? You and Dean both?" Sam asks.

"Okay, if we're living here, I'm taking advantage of it." Larissa quietly says. "And shut up, she's sleeping."

"She's two weeks old. She's always sleeping, babe." Sam chuckles, walking over.

"She's three weeks in two days." Larissa says.

"Ugh, don't remind me." Sam whines. He looks down at the peaceful baby in the crib. "Why is it going so fast?"

"Well, we still have eighteen more years. Get ready." Larissa says.

"She's never dating." Sam states.

"Yeah, okay." Larissa laughs.

"I'm serious." Sam says.

"Yeah. No, she'll-- she'll definitely fulfill your demand on that." Larissa sarcastically remarks.

"Did your dad let you date?" Sam asks.

"He said no dating until I was 60." Larissa says.

"And?" Sam asks.

"Well, exhibit A." She points between them. "But I also had a boyfriend in kindergarten, so, if she's anything like her amazing momma... you're in for a lot of heart attacks." Larissa says.

"Oh, God." Sam groans, burying his face in his hands as Larissa quietly laughs.


Sam and Larissa are sitting in the library and Sam is holding Athena while he uses his free hand to go through the multiple books on the table.

"What are you reading?" Dean asks as he walks in while balancing three plates.

"Sort of, uh, everything." Sam says.

"Oh, good. Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this, and it ain't gonna be me." Dean says.

"I hear that." Larissa mumbles as Dean puts a hamburger in front of her.

"You made these?" Sam asks.

"We have a real kitchen." Dean says. "Which also means more baking, am I right?" He asks Larissa. "You know, especially a, uh... a certain dessert. Three letters Rhymes with die."

"I get it, Dean." Larissa says.

"I-I just didn't think you knew what a kitchen was." Sam jokes.

"I'm nesting, okay? Eat. And since she can finally eat them without puking now that the rugrat's out, baby mama's got extra tomatoes." Dean states.

"Aww, Dean-o... you do love me." Larissa gushes.

"Shut up." Dean rolls his eyes and she smirks a little.

Sam takes a bite of the burger while Dean watches with a smile.

"Huh? Yeah." Dean nods.

"Wow." Sam says, his mouth full of food.

"You're welcome." Dean says. He goes to take a bite of his burger, but his phone rings. He sighs and puts the burger down, pulling his phone out and answering it.

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