016. godzilla and mothra

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They're in Bobby's panic room, Ruby standing outside of it.

"Iron walls drenched in salt. Demons can't even touch the joint." Dean informs Anna as she sits in a chair.

"Which I find racist, by the way." Ruby says.

"I really enjoy it." Larissa says. "Can we shut the door?" She asks Dean.

"I wish." He mutters. "And write your congressman." He retorts to Ruby.

"Here." Ruby tosses him something.

"Hex bags?" Dean asks.

"Extra crunchy. They'll hide us from angels, demons, all comers." Ruby says.

"Thanks, Ruby." Dean says. "Don't lose this." He tells Anna, handing her a hex bag and he hands Larissa one. "So, Anna, what's playing on angel radio? Anything useful?"

"It's quiet. Dead silence." Anna states.

"Comforting." Larissa sarcastically mumbles.

"That's not troubling at all." Dean says.

"We're in trouble, huh? You guys are scared?" Anna asks.

"Nah." Dean shakes his head.

"Hey, Dean!" Sam calls from upstairs.

"Just stay here, okay?" Dean tells Anna. "You two keep an eye on her." Dean tells Ruby and Larissa as he leaves.

"I'm on babysitting duty with the demon bitch?" Larissa asks.

"You know, just cause you couldn't keep the guy doesn't mean you gotta take it out on the one he chose." Ruby remarks, a small smirk on her face.

"What makes you think this has anything to do with Samuel?" Larissa asks, forcing a laugh out.

"Just a hunch." Ruby shrugs. Larissa narrows her eyes at the demon, her jaw ticking.

"One day... we will find out that you are just the same manipulative bitch you were a few months ago. Because I'm sure this is all part of some stupid, shitty game that's gonna hurt Sam in the long run -- even if he doesn't believe that right now. And rather it's me that does it or not, I'm gonna love seeing that knife go into your heart."

"My intentions aren't ill, Lissy." Ruby says.

"Don't call me that." Larissa orders.

"Why? You think Sam really cares that much about you just because he gave you a nickname? And now nobody else is allowed to use it? Come on, Lissy. I mean, he obviously doesn't care about you that much if--" Ruby is cut off as a fist collides with her face.

Ruby's head snaps to the side before turning back to look at Larissa with a glare.

"Do not call me that." Larissa repeats in a sterner voice.

Ruby huffs, knowing she can't retaliate in order to stay on Sam's good side. She looks into the panic room, finding it empty.

"Where's Anna?" Ruby asks. Larissa's eyebrows furrow and she looks back into the panic room.

"Shit." Larissa mumbles. They hear the door to upstairs open and quickly rush up.

"Way to lose the wanted girl." Ruby remarks.

"You were just as in charge as I was so shut the fuck up." Larissa retorts. The two follow Anna into the living room where the brothers are.

"So, what's she hiding?" Dean asks Sam.

"Why don't you just ask me to my face?" Anna asks.

"Nice job watching her." Dean retorts to the other two.

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