Chapter 5: I Believe I Can Fly

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Ellie's PoV

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Ellie's PoV

A few weeks has went by, and I can say working in this ER has really been something. Carol and I have decided to become roommates once I was done housesitting for Susan (who recently got back from Hawaii.) John and Allison's been wedding planning while John has made a new friend in a fellow intern named Dennis Gant. I've met him and he was so kind. I even gave him a hug.

Now with my apartment finally done, Carol and I are now roommates.

As for Mark and I, well we talk on the phone everyday. Most of our conversations are weird, but we both seem to get a kick out of them.


I laughed sitting on the couch, "So black or red?"

"Ooh. Let me think. Why don't you ask Carol?"

"Doug took her out tonight and I'm stuck here so you have to choose."

"Fine. Red. Why am I choosing?"

I picked up the red fingernail polish bottle, "I'm doing my nails."

I heard Mark chuckle before I heard a tiny voice and Mark responding with, "No she's not my new wife Rach."

"Aww do I hear Miss Rachel?"

I heard a tiny giggle before I assume Mark reaching her the phone, "Hi Ellie!"

"Hey Beautiful! What have you been up to?"

"I went to mommy's wedding."

I smiled a little, "I bet you were the prettiest one there, huh?"

Rachel giggled, "Thank you! When can I come and see you and Aunt Carol?"

"Soon Sweetheart. I tell you what, if you hand your dad back the phone, we'll make some arrangements. Now brush those teeth and get some beauty sleep."

"Okay. Night Ellie."

"Night Rach. Sweet dreams.'

I soon hear Mark taking the phone back before Rachel giggling in the distance, "She loves you."

I smiled, "I love her too. She thinks we're together."

"More like wants us to be together. She's told Jen, my ex-wife, that I got a new woman."

I started laughing so hard, "I'm crying."

"You got a beautiful laugh."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."


I was looking through some files when I see Susan's lovely smile coming towards me, "Hey Ellie! I was wanting to ask you something?"

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