Chapter 5

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"But I don't want it! I asked for a male wolf, and just because some idiot failed to follow threw on my orders doesn't mean I should have to deal with it!" Yelled a voice. Slowly, I opened my eyes and moved to start stretching as usual. I yelped in surprise when I saw that not only could I not move, I could also not see. "But dad, I don't want a stupid wolf! Especially a girl one. Luke and I planned to fight our wolves tomorrow, you can't really expect me to take a FEMALE wolf to the training grounds!" the voice shouted again. It was clear the owner of the voice was talking to somebody else, but the steel doors that surrounded me muffled the other voice.

After a while, a shuffling was heard beside my steel cage, but it was quickly followed by a banging. "Are you in there you nasty bitch!?! Wake up so I can open the door and find a way to get rid of you!" The banging increased in speed and strength, and soon enough the vibrations were shooting through my body and shaking me to the core. Finally deciding I've had enough, I growled and threw my body against the side of my confinement. Faintly I heard a yelp and I returned to my regular position in triumph. But my victory was short lived.

Suddenly, the cage was thrown onto its side causing me to knock up against the side and bash my head against the cold metal. "Take that you filthy mutt," yelled the voice. 'THIS LITTLE BITCH IS TRYING TO GET HIS ASS BEAT AINT HE!!!' I thought angrily. There was no way I would let some child treat me this way, I am 15 fucking years old and this little brat will NOT disgrace me in such a way! How dare he! How dare...

Vlaud's P.O.V.~

This is absolutely NOT what I asked for. how can father expect me to show up to the training grounds with a FEMALE wolf?!?! Everybody would laugh at me! It's just so unfair, I asked for a male wolf and that is what I was expecting! I even went to Scott and bragged about how my wolf would be able to beat his! But this female wolf would never be able to beat Fenris! Fenris was a god damn alpha male!

As I paced the room in a a panic, I could hear faint growling in the background. I know that filthy mutts not growling at me right? I am the fucking first born Prince, there is no way in hell that bitch was growling at me. I swiftly ran over to the giant steel box that contained the thing, and with a small kick of my foot, I sent the cage flying across the room. Pained whimpers could be heard from the box, and I knew that if mother found out about the whole I just put in the wall, that she would be furious. But at the moment, I really just couldn't care.

I had asked for one simple thing. I didn't ask for a new car(since we had enough of those), and I didn't ask for any new, expensive gadgets(because I already had them all). All I asked for was a male wolf. Nice and simple, but of course that fucking female who was sent to get my present couldn't even do that one simple task. It's time like this, that I think women really are useless.

After a while of standing in though, I decided I'd at least let the thing out of the box. As I approached the door of the box, I noticed that I could no longer hear any noises coming from inside the box. 'Hopefully the bitch is dead' I thought.

I carefully opened the door, just enough to peak in and see if the beast was dead yet. But I couldn't even be disappointed by the fact that the thing was in fact still alive. I was to distracted by the vibrant, glowing eyes that looked straight at me. It felt as if they were looking right through me. Reading me, and judging me on their findings. But that couldn't possible be true right? After all this was still just an incompetent, dumb, female wolf.

I sat in shock and stared at her eyes, for some reason I just couldn't tear my eyes away from hers. They held such emotion in them, and for a second I almost felt pity for the thing. Almost. But after awhile, I slammed the door shut. She was looking at me with such raw emotion, I could easily read each and every one. Fear. Despair. Anger and hatred. Sadness. Determination.

And seeing such raw emotion, made me smile. Perhaps this wasn't so bad, because now I had a new toy to break.

Here is the loooong awaited for chapter! I'm sorry for taking so long, and I would say it won't happen again... but that would probably be a lie. Lol to any of you who kept this book, and waited patiently I give you my thanks. Thank you so much for sticking with me, even though I took forever to update. You all mean the word to me.

Also this is unedited because I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes. Once(if) I finish this book, I will go through and edit, or anybody would like to volunteer to edit it for me that'd be great *wink wink*.
I think that's all I had to say... so
Follow Me
And stay amazing my Woofaboos
(See what I did there? No? Okay. I'll just leave. Um yeah. I'll just be going on my merry way) :'(

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