Chapter 6

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With each kick sent at my confinement, I was thrown to and from. By now, I was sure that at least one of my ribs were broken. But that's not what concerned me. What concerned me the most wasn't the pain that shot through my body every time I breathed, no, what concerned me the most was that now the kicks had stopped. And whoever was responsible for them, seemed to have disappeared.

As I struggled to raise my head, I heard a faint noise coming my way. Without the strength to even pick up my head, let alone attack whoever was doing this, I felt helpless. Sitting alone in the dark metal box, I had realized something. I was weak. No matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise, I couldn't help but think that. Here I was, broken and battered, after only a few kicks. How would I ever escape if I couldn't even handle a few kicks from one vampire?

Distracted by my thoughts, I didn't realize when the soft noise stopped. Nor did I notice that the atmosphere seemed heavier, and that every muscle in my body was screaming at me to get up and flee. But then the door was opened and my small,dark confinement was flooded with light. I blinked a couple times, before resting my gaze on the figure standing before me. If we had met in a different world, I no doubt would have tried to flirt with him. The young man was handsome to say the least. With his pale skin and grey eyes that seemed to pierce straight through my soul, he seemed to perfect to be real.

Starting at his midnight black hair, and going down to the no doubt expensive shoes I concluded that he must be a vampire of high status. But then, I stopped my analyzing. Here I was basically checking out the vampire who just beat the shit outta me...great. Instead of eye-stripping the enemy, I should be trying to find a way to escape him!

I slowly picked up my head so that we'd be staring into each other's eyes, and as I stared at his piercing eyes my blood froze. All thoughts stopped at once, and i began to whimper and shake. Only one word ran through my head now: fear. The look in his eyes was anything but calming. He looked as though he was on the brink of insanity, as if he was the devil himself. And I knew in that moment, that I would most likely not make it out alive.

Ooookay! This is like hella short, so sorry about that. I wasn't even going to update today to be honest. But I told you guys I would update on Wednesday, therefore I had to update on Wednesday. Next chapter is coming on Sunday, and I promise it'll be longer than this. Like this is just sad. What kinda author am I? A suckish one! Well that's all for now. Please remember to





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