Chapter 3

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Raine's P.O.V.

I paced around my cage, surveying my surroundings. It had been a few days since the trial with Nathan, but I don't really know anymore. I was fine yesterday but today I can't seem to settle down. I was anxious about something, but I don't know what!
Irritated, I growled out and snapped at the air. 'What is wrong with me, I never act this way?'i thought to myself. "Raine? Are you okay?"a voice asked from outside of the cage. I quickly glanced away from the holder of the voice. I walked away from Jason and sat in the far corner of the cage. "Can I come in?"he questioned me. He always acted like this, as if I had a say in anything here! It was sickeningly sweet in a twisted sort of way.
Jason slowly opened the door of my cage before strutting to me. He towered over me, he was close enough to touch with my snout. "Don't worry so much. I won't let anybody take you away, I promised to protect you."he whispered before calmly petting my head. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while. But, before long somebody else ran in.
"Jason, hurry up and transfer her to cage #3842, we don't have all day!" Nathan screeched. Why was he so frantic? Something must be going on because every guard was running around cleaning everything. With a yelp, I was grabbed by the scruff of my fur and hauled out of the hallway. Eyes scrunched in pain, I let myself be dragged to wherever we were headed.
I grunted as I was thrown into another cage. My vision was swimming due to hitting my head against the steel bars, but finally, and thankfully, I finally fell into a light sleep.

'Wh-what is this overwhelming feeling I am having?'I thought shocked by the overbearing sheer power. Quickly I sprung to my feet and looked around me. I saw that I was in the main room of the pound. Two of the white walls were covered in cages filled with of caring sizes. The noise was unbearable, the animals inside the cages were howling and barking and roaring. Before I could bark at them to shut the hell up, I felt that power again. Whimpering in discomfort, I felt a feeling that I had prided myself in not feeling since that time 5 years ago. FEAR.
I could feel the holder of the power getting closer to the room, but the other creatures seemed oblivious to the looming threat. "Is this the room?" a sweet, melodic voice rang out. Something wasn't right about her voice, something about it made me cautious. Three people appeared in my line of sight. Jason, Nathan, and some lady. She was tall and pale, and had alluring blue eyes. Her sleek black hair reached past her shoulders, tumbling like a waterfall. She was simply beautiful. Her captivating eyes scanned the room before landing on me. "That one in the far cage will do just fine." She spoke, not once taking her eyes off of me.


That's a picture of the mysterious woman, and the cover picture is of Raine's wolf form. By the way, just in case any of you are confused, for these past few chapter Raine has been in her wolf form. After she shifted when Violet died she never shifted back to human. Ok? Well bye my little wolfies!!!! <3

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