Chapter 2: Best Friends

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Hey well now Noelle in the chapter in real life is sonicgirl00 so if you want to check her out you can. Wow when I was talking to her and writting this chapter they were very alike. Lol . Oh 'Noelle' hasn't started writting yet, but because she is helping me I will be helping her. Plz tell your friends to read this book (not forcing) I will like that. Well hope you like the long chapter so enjoy.


I wake up with no pain at all, just stingy. I open my eyes to see a white ceiling with blue walls. I sit up on a twin flower bed next to a neaty bed with the same covers. I look at the door when I heard foot steps coming to this room. Noelle walked through the door coming with bandages in her hands.

"Hey are you better, Linea?" Noelle asked. I nodded and looked down.

"Who's bed is this?" I asked. I look up at Noelle who had a sad expression on her face.

"Your bed you are on was supposed to be for my twin sister, but she went missing. But I don't remember her name though" Noelle said. My hands turned into fist. I felt so bad for her now. She lost her sister, and she doesn't remember her name.

"I am sorry I asked" I said.

"It's fine" Noelle said.

"Go take a shower and meet me down stairs" Noelle said leaving the bandages on the bed. I heard Noelle walk out of the room and go down stairs. I get off the bed and unwrapped the bandages off of me. It stung like a bee stinging me or a needle stabbing me everywhere. I grab a white towel and wrap myself in it.

I walk into the bathroom that is neatly decorated. I close the door behind me and lock the door. I took off my towel and threw it on the rack. I turned on the water and jumped inside.

~Pov: Noelle~

When the sound of running water went on that is when I knew she is in the shower. While waiting for Linea to come down, I was sitting in a chair and heard grandpa coming down stairs to the shop that we own to check up on me and Linea.

"So how is she doing, Noelle?" Grandpa asked.

"She doing well, but she still feels the stinging from cream that healed her wounds quick unless she got poison. That will make since why she feels it." I answered.

I all sudden I was worried in the condition Linea is in. I got up from my seat and went into the kitchen to make special herb tea. After making it, I started making a snack that I want her to try. When I was finish with making the snack, I heard the water turn off. So I quickly got the special herb tea and the snack out to be ready when she comes down stairs.

~Pov: Linea~

The water felt good on my skin, but someday I had to get out. I turned off the water and squeeze out the water in my hair. I jumped out of the shower onto the warm tile. The tile was warm and relaxing to me through it was damp. I grabbed my towels and wrapped my hair and my body. I look around the bathroom to take the room in. I unlock the bathroom door and walk out into the hallway.

I walk over to Noelle's room and open the door. I close the door behind me and walk over and go to my bed. I heard something move in the closet. I walk over to the closet and open the closet door. I saw Robin in the closet. I back away and about to scream, but Robin covers my mouth.

"What were you thinking..." Robin was saying until he saw I only had a towel on. I smack Robin's hand off my mouth.

"What the he'll were you thinking, coming here and hiding in the closet!" I yelled. He looked shocked when I said that. I felt my towel becoming loose on me. I wrapped my arms around my chest. I heard fast foot steps coming up stairs. The door flung open, before Robin can go to the window and escape there. Noelle walked in the room and grabbed me behind her.

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