Chapter 4: Family at Last

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Hey guys! I did update this chapter and it's a lot better than my last one. So enjoy the chapter and Thx for everyone reading this!



"Yay! There is more girls on the team. I am Miss Martin, but please call me Megan or M'gann" She said. Megan walks towards Noelle and I and hugs us. After that she got between us. Another girl stepped up and hug us too

"I am so happy there is more girls. It's boring hanging out with boys all the time"She said, "Oh, oops. My name is Green Arrow, but just call me Artemis. Let's take a tour shall we?"

"You guys know Wally, I am sure" Megan said pointing to Wally. I nodded as I look around the place. It's huge! We walked until we entered a room that said The Library.

"This is the library. There is normal books and 'Special' books too. Oh there is Kaldur. Alualad, is his superhero name" Artemis said looking at a well tanned boy. 

"Ok. What else do you have on the tour?" I asked trying to hurry things up. Megan nodded and lead the way out of the library. Right next to the library was the Mission Room. By the end of the tour I knew everyone's names and Supperhero names too. I didn't know Robin's name was Dick Grayson and Batman is actually The Bruce Wane. Wow, small world here. We enter back into the main room as Batman enters himself.

"Alright everyone go Home " Batman says, "Noelle and Linea come with me" We followed Batman into a room where there is a desk and two chairs. Batman took his seat behind the desk while Noelle and I sit down.


I exit the room feeling energized and ready to beat some bad guys butts, but Batman said I am not ready... yet. I walk around the hallways trying to find the train room. I walk past the training room sign. I stop and walk backwards to the read the sign. Sure enough it is the train room. I enter to see a blonde with black suit punching a punching bag hard. She stops punching the bag and turns around looking at me. I smiled.

"Hi. Are you Black Canary?" I asked standing up straight more. She nods and walks up pulling off her wraps on her hands.

"Yes I am. I am guessing you are my new student. Crystal, right?" Canary said. I nod.

"Follow me" Canary demanded. I followed her out the training room wondering where I am going.

~Pov: Noelle~

I got out of Batman's office and walked to the Mission Room. I remembered where everything is from the tour, so I am in good hands. I run in the hallways to get there as fast as I can. I got to get home before Grandpa gets worried about me. I walk through the siding doors to see Flash and Wally there.

"Hello Blur" Flash said. I waved looking around the room. There was a picture of the world on the projector. Cool!

"So... Why am I here" I asked with my back on the wall.

"Follow me" Flash said leaving the room in a flash, so did Wally. I smirked and dashed after them. 


I laugh as I beat them to the place though I was the last person out. I saw Linea get up from the stair case. She waved for me to follow.

"What took you so long?" Linea asked walking up the stairs with me. She looked at me weirdly and shook her head. I smiled and walked with Linea up the steps of what looks like an abandoned hotel. Flash and Wally held the door open for us to enter. I nodded at looked forward to see red carpet on the floors with neat, clean tiles below. The walls looked like fresh paint on going into the house.

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