Chapter 8: Circus Time Part 2

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Ello everyone!! I looked on this book to see 2.7 k readers. Holy cheese crackers! I feel bad for not updating for a while, bc of this. So here I am writing again. I didn't really realize that it's been so long. High School is really different and going by so fast. At least it's the summer so I can focus on writing. So here's a chapter to jump into the beginning of Summer! Sorry there is gonna be another part, but after that will be a school chapter. Someone new is joining the book. Who do u think it will be? Btw Happy ( fourth of July!! 🇱🇷🇱🇷


After a little bit listening to Robin, I decide to sit down on the fence. Right beside the "Flying Grayson's" poster. Turning visible, I cleared my throat.

"Uh" Looking at me, his eyes grow wide.

"Wally I'm gonna have to go now" clicking a button in his ear, "how long were you there for?"

"Long enough to realize that you grew up in this-" without warning Robin pulls me down from the fence by my leg. He quickly puts his right hand to my mouth and his left hand next to my head. Chest to chest with my back pressed on the fence. I felt a spark going though my body. From what I saw in his eyes, he felt it too.

"Don't tell anyone about that" He whispered so only I can hear, "after I heard about Haly, I couldn't just sit around and not do anything"  I never seen this side of him before. He is usually shy and bossy. Looking down at me, I could feel his breath on my face. Blushing from how close we are, I nodded. We stayed there for a while looking into each other's eyes. His eyes looked like the ocean, holding mystery and adventure. It's like I could get lost in them and sure enough I did. My heart beats faster in my ears. Smirking, I licked his hand.

"Eww!" He pulled his hand from my mouth and wiped it on my sleeve of my shirt. I felt the spark again going though my body.

"Are u gonna anything Grayson or are we just gonna be in this position?" I said sharply saying Grayson. He blinks three times before backing up, turning his head away from me.

"S-sorry about t-that. I d-dont know w-what came over me" he studders embarrassedly. Laughing at his reaction, I put my thumb and pointer finger on his chin. Forcing his head to look at me dead in the eye.

"It's fine really. I can see why you want it to kept a secret. Maybe one day I'll tell u some of mine" I state, getting lost in his eyes again. Noticing that he is leaning closer, so do I. It's like my body is on auto pilot. Even though I've haven't known him long, I feel a connection. After what happened earlier, I couldn't get him out of my mind.

"Hey, have you seen- WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!!" We quickly pull away looking at the person.

"Nothing Noelle" I said probably blushing red as a ripe tomato.

"Yeah like she said" Robin states looking at me.

"Don't you lie to me! I saw you guys did! I don't want to be around when you guys are being smoochy smoochy!" Noelle yells. If my face can get any redder, it will be now. I feel like I'm gonna die from embarrassment.

~time skip by Flying Grayson's~

"I'm gonna die"

"No you are not" Noelle states looking out the window.

"Yes I am. My stomach is doing flips that it shouldn't be. Even Disney knows that my stomach alone can be in a circus" I whine, in a fetal position. At the moment, we are in the train going someplace. I really don't care at the moment because train rides gets me sick.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom to throw up" I said getting up and going to the door.

"Do you need any help?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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