Chapter 5: New Power... Fire

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Linea: Hey everyone. The author had said she will be changing the chapters up like this one.

Noelle: Yep and I will like to say thank you for reading this book. It has over three hundred reads.

Dick: Yay.

Linea: How did you get here?

Dick: The author put me in here.

Noelle: That's weird. Well anyway let get into the story.


It has been a week since the test results have been positive. Grandpa lately has been acting weird, but I don't blame him. He just found out that his granddaughter is alive. I look up to see the stars sparkling and hearing traffic below. I have a family... But who is my parents that remand in my head. I heard a door open from the roof entrance. I turn my head to see grandpa closing the door behind him and walking towards me. I looked up to the stars see if they answered my question.

"So, how is everything, Linea" I heard grandpa say. I look at him trying to feel happy, but instead feeling empty. I look back towards the stars to tell me anything. Nothing. Yet.

"To tell you the truth, confusing. Everything is going to fast for me. I just... I just don't understand things" I said pulling my legs up to my chest. The cold wind wrapped around me blowing my hair.

"Linea, let's get inside before you catch a cold" grandpa said. I nodded without looking at him. The March air felt good against my bare arms and shoulders. I sit up and walk inside after grandpa. I walk down the steps into what is now Noelle and my room. I open my door to see Noelle dancing with her ear buds in her ears. She turned around doing something, but she saw me and stopped.

"Hey Linea. I didn't hear you coming in, sorry" Noelle said talking her ear buds out. I smiled. Noelle is my... sister. It sounds weird in my head.

"Hey would you mind helping me bring my stuff from my apartment" I asked. Noelle had a huge grin on her face.

"Sure, but first I have to do a project. I will call in Dick to help you" Noelle said getting her phone out. Dick.

"Wait, hold on. You are calling Dick to help me bring my stuff back here?" I asked shocked. She nodded her head and click call on her phone. Crap, why when anytime I go outside Dick has to be there. Still, it feels weird being by him.

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