Chapter 6: Undercover Circus Preformers

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Hey guys, so today is the beginning of Linea's first mission. Sorry that it took so long, but I want to make sure that I want the story to turn to the right direction. Also I kinda forgot that I have a Wattpad account, opps :) I decided that the school chapter is going to be after this mission, so u guys can have more time to enter to get in. Now lets get into the story!


I slowly open my eyes to only close them again. It's way to bright in here. I open my eyes once more and blink multiple times for my eyes to disgust to the light. I get sit up to see that I was laying on a couch. Where am I? I stand up and walked towards the window. The ocean breaking the waves on the shore. Is this the Justice League base? While deep in my thoughts I heard the doors slide open. I turned my head to see Noelle and Dick talking about me walking in the room. Something about missing a mission. They were wearing their super hero outfits for some reason. Robin notices me and he stops talking. 

"Linea, your awake!" Noelle yells running towards me. Oh no. Before I said anything, I got tackled to the ground. Noelle was hugging me so tight I couldn't breathe.

"I won't be awake much longer, if you kept hugging me" I choked out. Noelle quickly let go of me, but she was still sitting on me. I look at Robin to see him laughing at me.

"That's not funny" I whinnied. Robin just kept on laughing, but I couldn't help but laugh too. I haven't laughed this much in a while. I was finally able to get Noelle off of me so I can stand up.

"So what did you say about missing a mission?" I asked taking deep breaths as I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Robin explain the mission while I ate.

"A circus? Why?" I asked as I bite into my apple. Robin sighed. From no where I thought of Red Tornado. I only heard of Red Tornado on the news and from people talking.

"Batman signed us to the mission" Robin said. As I was gonna ask another question Wally took my apple away from me.

"Hey I was going to finish that!" I said reaching for my bitten apple. Wally put his hand higher so I can't reach. I jumped to get it, but he only raised his hand higher.

"Whats the big deal eating an apple while talking" I said giving up...Well not yet.

"It is while talking about a mission. You don't seem that you care about any of this" Wally said. I put my arms on my waist.

"I do care about this, but I am just hungry" I said. After a while of trying to get my apple back, I sit down right next to Noelle.

"Anyways. What circus is the circus called?" I asked. Wally's face turned his face towards me. He looked very annoyed. Then an idea popped in my head. What if Red Tornado has a chip inside his program that is making him like this. If that's the case how did the chip get inside his program? Because of all my thinking I didn't notice that my apple was gone. I looked at my apple which is now just an apple core. I looked for a garbage can, to find it all the way across the room. I aimed my core of my apple to go into the garbage can. As soon as I find the right angle I threw my apple core into the garbage. I heard the doors slide open. I turn my head to see Megan enter the room.

"It is Haly International Traveling Circus. People think they stealing technology across the city's they go to, with an agent suspecting. They think Jack Haly's circus performers are responsible for this and if they find out one clue the circus is done for" Megan said, "But first we have training to do before we go" I nodded and heading to the dressing rooms. I found my locker finally and I open it up. My hero outfit is hanging with the other things I need. I take off my clothes and put my hero outfit on. Then I head to the Training Room. Wait am I part of the mission too? I can't even defeat a dummy. I walk down the hallway to the Training Room. Why does Noelle get to go then? Is it because she is way faster than any of us except of Flash and Kid Flash? I walked to the Training Room with the rest of the group and we get greeted by Black Canary. I smile and waved at her. She smiles back at me. I stand between Robin and Kid Flash waiting for instructions. Then Black Canary steps into the circle, a ring is formed circling around her feet.

"Welcome back to Training Practice everyone. So today we are doing hand to hand compact. So who wants to spare with me today?" Black Canary said out loud.  I heard a a snicker from Robin next to me. I wounder who is going to go against Black Canary? 

"Okay today I will pick... Linea" Black Canary said. My eyes widen, but I nod anyways. Why? Why me? I am getting my butt kicked. I walk forwards into the platform and get onto my fighting stance. On the outside I look peaceful, but inside I am nervous. 

"Got a question. Is there any rules?" I asked. Then all of a sudden Black Canary started punching me. I blocked most of punches, but one punch went to my gut. I bent forwards from the pain. Then she swung her right leg and tried to trip me, but I did three back flips, landing on my feet. I breathe heavily from the pain from my gut.

"Just don't kill anyone" Black Canary answered finally. I smirked and I went to charge at her. I started punching her, but I was able to punch her on the chest that made her back up. I did a back flip and hit her in the tip of her chin with my foot. I land on my feet, but landed a little funny that my kicking foot of my ankle hurts. I close my mouth as tight as I can so I do not scream in pain. Black Canary charges at me as fast as she can. Then something clicks and I started dodging all her blows. I didn't feel any of my muscles move like someone was moving themselves. It feels like I am trapped in my body. I do two back flips and land on my feet. Something must of startled Black Canary because she paused which gave me a chance to attack. I ran at her at my full speed and  jumped sideways with my arms out and two of my feet hits her gut making her fall backwards, but she hits the wall before she hits the floor. I put both of my hands down on my back and spin backwards onto my feet. It takes me a while to realize what happened. My eyes widen. 

"Black Canary!"  I said shocked and ran over to her. I bend to help Black Canary up, but to be pinned down by my throat. There was anger in her eyes. I put my hands on her arm to get her arm off of me, but no use. I can feel my lungs burning for air.

"I-I can't breathe" I choke out. Then her eyes turned to shock. She takes off her arm off my throat and stands up. I stubble up to see everyone staring at me. I am so done with training. I run out of the room and to the changing rooms. Then a name pops in my head with the name Moonlight. It sounds familiar some how. I walk right towards the mirrors and took a look at myself. I see my long brown hair and brown eyes reflecting back at me. Then my appearance changed from brown to silver and then my brown eyes turn to purple. My eyes widen with shock.

"Hello!" I backed away from the mirror. I got to get out of here! I ran to my locker and got changed into my street clothes. Did the person in the mirror talk to me? I left the building without anyone knowing.


I lay on my bed thinking about earlier in the changing rooms. I put my face in my pillow and screamed into it. Who was that person in the mirror? Was that me or someone else? Then my phone rang, but I just let it rang.  I don't feel like picking my phone after what happened today, but what about the mission. How can I do this now? I turn my body so my back is against the bed sheets. I gotta do something to do with this mission or I would be cut off... Right? I stand up and went to my door just to hear steps going up the stairs. Who is that? There has to be like five people going up the stairs. I open my door just to be greeted by Robin, Miss Martian, Artemis, Super-boy, Blur and a guy that I don't know. 

"So this is where you've been" Miss Martian said looking around. I walked out and closed my bedroom door behind me. 

"Lets just get over with the mission" I say as I teleport all of us to Haly International Traveling Circus. 


~ Sorry if the chapter is short, but I want to keep writing in time for every month. So I hope you guys like the chapter. Again you can enter to be in this book, by messaging me that you want to be in. You will need the name of your person. The details of your person. Your interests and personality. If you want anything else you can add, plz do so. Thank you for the 1K readers everybody. Until next time see ya!

-Internet Princess- 

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