Chapter 3: Part of the Team

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Hey everybody. I have updates this chapter so plz if you haven't read this part. Some parts are going to be new. Enjoy


I try to escape their grips, but its too strong. I keep pulling myself forward towards Noelle and Robin.

"Noelle... Robin..." I whisper to myself.

"We told you to let her go" Robin says. I can hear the anger in his voice. Noelle is getting into her fighting stance it looks like.

"Stand back, Robin" Noelle said, "I'll take care of this" with that said Noelle disappeared with a flash.

"Where did she go" the man holding me said. I smirked. I knew she had a trick up her sleeve

"Up here" she said crashing down on top of the man holding me back. I pulled myself away from them. I turned around to see men going after me. The first guy I did a cartwheel to the right and tripped him with my foot. I felt someone grab me up by my arm. I elbow him in the face making him stumble back. I lift my foot up my his face. He caught my foot and threw me against one of his team mates.

They caught me and grab hold of me. I struggled to get out of their grip. I look at Robin and Noelle trying to get to me. It's like every time they hit someone more come. I heard another clank by something metal onto the roof. That's how they are getting up.

"Robin, Noelle take the grappling hooks" I say while getting out of their grips to hold the metal thing. They nodded in response and tried to go to the hooks. There is too many people, we need help. I felt myself getting pulled back. I hold my place as long as I can.

I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder. I scream as loud as I can, so everybody can hear me. I fall backwards off the roof towards the ground. I felt some one caught me and throw me on something hard and cold. I stubble to stand on my feet.

"Let's fly out of here" I heard a man's voice said. Joker. I look around to see the doors are locked shut from the outside. I walk clumsily in the hallway.

"Close the front door before she can get out" Joker said in the next room. I go invisible, but I can see the blood dripping down on the floor. I put my hand over my wound. A man past me without noticing the blood on the floor towards the open door. I follow him to get out.

~Pov: Noelle~

"Linea!" I screamed just before she fell off the roof. I turn to the bad guys with a deathly stare.

"Tell me where she is" I demanded. They all laughed at me. I put my hands into fist. I speed around them to make them dizzy. I heard a engine roar below the roof. I look down to see a plane of some sort coming up into the night sky.

"Robin!" I shout. He comes running towards where I am. I can hear moaning behind me. The plane started towards the sky. 50 feet above us I can see movement in the front of the plane. I realize the movement was from Linea.


~Pov: Linea~

I hold my right shoulder as hard as I can. Blood was everywhere on me. My hands, hair, etc... I follow the man towards the front of the plane.

I stopped by the door while he was walking to close my only escape. I turn visible and ran to the man. He heard me and turned around. I jumped on him to pull him away from the door. He grabbed hold on a poll to keep steady. I felt someone pull me back from on top of him. I elbow him in the face. He stubble back from me.I run towards the door and felt someone pulling me back. I kicked him in the stomach making him fall backwards. I look down to the ground. Crap I hate heights. Well I rather jump than stay here. I take a couple steps back and ran through the door. I am falling to my death. I close my eyes and hold back my scream. I landed on something soft, but uncomfortable. I try to open my eyes, but I can't.

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