Chapter 3.

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I sat down in front of a little radio where we could hear what was going on in the cockpits.
The room was like a little old bar.
Like the ones where you were allowed to smoke.
It had a little bar area with a few stools, a couch and a billiard pool.
You could see the fields from the windows.

"What do you say, shall we put some fun in the game?", I could hear payback ask.
"What do you have in mind?", Maverick asked back.
"Whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push ups", he giggled.
"Sure, 200 pushups for whoever gets shot down first", Maverick agreed.

"Old mans is gonna get an extra workout", Hangman laughed as he took a sip from his water.
They really underestimated him.
They all went to their aircraft confidently thinking that they were gonna shot him down first.
But none of them did.
Not even Hangman.
He looked like he was close to tears when he had to do 200 pushups while Maverick was giving him a lecture about why you shouldn't take your mouth to full.

Rooster and I were the last ones to go.
"Ladies first", he said as he gave me my helmet.
I took it and immediately turned around.
"How long is this silent treatment gonna go?", he shouted after me.
"For as long as I can", I shouted back and climbed into my plane.

"Asking for permission to take off", I said as I started the aircraft.
My hands were all sweaty and I started to get nervous.
"accepted", went through the speakers and I made my way to the strip.

After I reached the altitude Maverick came closer next to me.
"You remember the rules phantom?", he asked.
He probably knew that as I am his daughter, I played by them just as much as he did.
"Yes sir", I answered.
"Alright. Let's begin", he announced and I immediately hit the brakes to get behind him.

It felt like he had read my mind because he hit the brakes as well.
"Guess we share the same brain cells", he said.
"Tragically", I answered.

When he was getting closer again I went into a inverted nosedive. Maverick followed me.
I couldn't think of a way to get behind him to shoot him, so the catch went along for a few minutes.
"You're good I gotta give you that", he said.
He started to struggle keeping up.
Suddenly I hit the brakes again and turned the aircraft around.
For a few seconds I had hope to get to him but it was interrupted by a siren which told me that I was shot down.
"Shit", I whispered.
"Don't worry, I'll give you a head start next time", he giggled.

That giggle made my blood boil.
He was so arrogant to say that.

When I landed, I took of my heavy gear and went down to do my pushup.
I couldn't even think about what just happened without getting angry.

"Good luck Rooster", Phoenix yelled from the distance and I saw him get into the plane.
After I finished my pushups I went back to the room where the other were.

"What's is going on between these two. Seriously", Hangman said as he looked very confused.
Everyone was sitting around the radio.
"He's crazy", Fanboy said.
"What's going on?", I asked.
Phoenix grabbed my hand and made me sit down next to her.
"Listen", she responded.

"All right. You put us here. How are you gonna get yourself out?", I heard Maverick ask.
"You can bail out anytime. I can go as low as you sir! And that's saying something."Rooster yelled.

"They're going down", Phoenix said.
"They are gonna crash", Payback said with a very concerned face.
My heart starts racing.
"What's past is past. For both of us", Maverick said. I knew that they were referring to him pulling our papers back.
"You'd like to believe that, wouldn't you", Rooster answered.
"Hard deck is 5,000 feet, fellas. You're running out of room", A voice spoke through the speakers.
"Pull up. Pull up. Pull up", I whispered.
"Your strategy is about to run us into the ground", Maverick announced.
"Shit", was the last thing Rooster said before he pulled back up and got shot down by Maverick.

As soon as I saw them landing I ran outside.
When Rooster got out of his aircraft he threw his helmet to the ground.
"Are you crazy?", I yelled as I pushed him.
"I almost had him", he yelled back and took a few steps forward.
"Yes in a grave with yours next to it", I screamed and pointed my finger at him.

"Hey, hey,hey", Maverick pushed us apart.
The others followed me outside and were surrounding us.
"Alright, that enough. You're dismissed.", Maverick announced.
I turned around and left.
"Sorry", I heard Rooster say.

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