Chapter 4.

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I have just gotten dressed after the shower, when someone rang my doorbell.
When I opened the door I wanted to close it again right away.
"Please lets talk", Rooster said as he held the door open with his foot.
I rolled my eyes and let him in.
"How the fuck do you know where I am staying?", I asked.
"Phoenix told me", he explained.
"Oh my god", I whispered and threw my head back.

"I'm sorry", he apologized.
"For what?", I asked since he had a lot of apologizing to do.
"For yelling at you and being a dick", he said.
"I didn't mean to scare you", he continued.
"What makes you think you scared me?", I asked as I sat down on my couch.
"Look I-", he wanted to say something but was quickly cut off by me.
"You got a big ego you know that?", I said and crossed my arms.
He sat down as well and looked at me with a confused face.
"You've been a complete asshole the last time we spoke back in school and now, you still think I care about you", I scoffed.
"I know I've been a bad friend and I'm so sorry for that", he apologized.
He kept his face down. It seemed like he was embarrassed by his behavior.
"Why didn't you apologized sooner?", I asked.
"As you already said, I've got a big ego", he claimed.
I rolled my eyes and leaned back.
"Im sorry Nicki and I don't want to waste any more time. I've really missed you", he said.

I got goosebumps when he called me by my real name.
People rarely call me Nicki.
I couldn't really ignore his apology after he called me by my real name because I was named after his deceased father.

My dad and Roosters father were best friends and flew together when they were at Top Gun.
Sadly, Maverick was the only one of them that graduated.
I was born about a 1,5 years after that and Maverick decided to call me after Nick Bradshaw, Bradley Bradshaws father.
Later on I gave Brad his call sign Rooster since it fitted his fathers call sign Goose.
Maverick and Rooster never got over gooses death. No matter how much time had passed.
Things got harder for Rooster after his mom passed away as well.
He stayed at my place for a while after that because he couldn't go back to his house.
There were to many memories.

I remember the time when Rooster and I first started to ignore each other.
It didn't feel right because we were friends our whole life. We were connected.

"I understand", I replied.
"You forgive me?", Rooster asked.
"I said that I understand", I repeated.
"I promise I'm gonna make it up to you", he said.
"Yea sure but I want to go to sleep now Rooster", I said as I stood up to open the door.
"See you tomorrow", he said as he went outside.
"Sure", I said and closed the door.

My head was a mess.
On the on hand I was still mad at him for all of the things he has done. He left me hanging and choose his ego over his best friend yet something inside of me couldn't stay mad.
I missed him and all the fun we had.
I wish I could just turn back time.

I quickly blow dried my hair and got into my bed.
When I checked my phone I saw that Phoenix texted me.

"Sorry, he wouldn't leave me alone unless I told him where you were staying"

I answered that she shouldn't worry about that and closed my eyes.

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