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It has been about 7 months since we got back from the mission.
Payback and Fanboy went all the way down to New Mexico. They were still flying together.
I haven't heard from Coyote in a while but last thing I knew was that he had to go to Europe for a while. He was the furthest away from all of us.
Hangman just got married. Crazy to think that someone was patiently enough to keep up with him.

Brad and I decided to take a break for a bit. We joined the navy right after graduation. We never lived just for ourselves.
It wasn't forever, just for now.
My dad started teaching at Top Gun regularly, which is why he stayed at Miramar.
He came to our house every Sunday for breakfast.

After we got back from the mission, I had to leave my little bungalow again, since I only rented it for these 2 months. So Brad and I moved in together at his house.

"Three red wine, please", Phoenix told the waitress.
After the mission, Phoenix went back to Nevada and Bob had to rest for a few month due to his injuries.
They'd stopped by every once in a while.
"Oh, no wine for me. I'll just take a water, please", I smiled.
"No wine? That unusual", Bob laughed as he still locked at the menu.
"I just don't feel like alcohol", I explained.
Phoenix pinned her eyes at me.

"How long?", she asked immediately.
"What?", I asked back.
"What do you mean, how long?", Bob asked confused while he put the menu back down.
I tried to hide my smile, but I think that the wine blew my cover.
"How long, Nicki", she smiled and rested her chin in her hands.
Bob was still figuring out, what she meant.
"12 weeks", I whispered.
"Ah, I knew it. Oh my god, congratulations", she stood up and hugged me.
"12 weeks?", he was still having a huge question mark above his head.
"She's pregnant, you dumbass", Phoenix explained.
"No way, congratulations", Bob cheered.

"Boy or girl", she asked.
"Ah little boy", I nodded

"Oh I can't wait to a little boy with a mustache", she laughed.
"What does Brad say", Bob asked.

I stayed silence for a while.
"Don't say, you didn't tell him", Phoenix leant back.
"I wanted to wait until I got past 12 weeks. Just in case", I explained.
"Well it is 12 weeks now", Bob smiled.
"I know but I haven't seen him today. He already left when I came back from the doctor and I was busy with you guys all day", I claimed.
That was true, but I was scared.
I knew that Brad wanted to have a family but I was wondering if it was to soon.

"Is he home right now?", Phoenix asked.
"I think so", I nodded.
"Then you'll go and tell him", she said.
"Alright, right after we're finished diner", I announced and looked back at the menu.
"Absolutely not. We can eat tomorrow", Bob took the menu out of my hand.
"I don't know", I whispered and smiled.
"You gonna get your ass in the car now and make him happy", Phoenix leant over in my direction.
"Okay, but diners on me tomorrow", I said and waved them goodbye,
"Absolutely not", Bob shouted back.
I shock my head.
I loved them so much.
"How was the diner, love?", I heard Bradley ask when he saw me.
He was lying on the couch and smiled at me.
He was probably exhausted because he was out all day, helping my dad fix his P-15.

"I didn't get to eat, actually", I admitted and sat down next to him.
"Why? Did something happen?", he asked and sat back up.
I put my head into my hands and began to cry.
I got emotional so easily, it was really pissing me of.

"No, don't cry. Tell me, what happened", he asked as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled my onto his lap.
My hands were shaking and my heart was racing.
"Don't worry", I said.
He wiped my tears away with his thumb and kissed me on my forehead.

"Brad?", I said so that he'd look at me.
"Mhm?", he mumbled.
"We're having a baby", I whispered. "Your gonna be a father"
He held his hand in front of his mouth.
I saw the tears in his eyes.
"Are you serious?", he asked.
I nodded.
He held me even closer and began to cry.
"I'm gonna be a father", he smiled. "I can't believe it"

He kissed me all over my face.
"We're gonna be a family", he cheered and I began to laugh.
I stood up while he was still holding me in his arms.
"A baby", he danced around the room.
"A little boy", I added.
We were both crying and laughing.

Then he let my down and went on his knees.
He pointed his finger on my stomach. "I hope you'll get the looks from you mother"
"And I really hope that you keep the tradition of the infamous Bradshaw mustache alive, young man", he continued.

I remembered when we were in the Mexican restaurant on the last night before the mission.

At least, I want to live long enough to the ridiculously gorgeous children of those two, with their little mustaches and big egos", Hangman said when he took a bite of his burrito while he stared at me and Brad.

Suddenly he looked up.
He looked concerned. "Oh god"
"What is it", I asked.
"He's gonna get the Mitchell temper", he looked up.
"Oh shut up", I laughed and turned around.

"Im kidding", he got back up and took my hands.
He gave me a kiss and looked into my eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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