Chapter 17.

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We had to get up early the next morning since our plane left the base at 5 in the morning.
I used the long flight to get some sleep. My head was resting on Bradleys shoulder while his was resting on mine.

"Good morning Lovebirds", Bob woke us up when we landed.
"Rise and shine baby", Hangman cheered.
"I swear I'm gonna cut his tongue off one day", I said as I tried to open my eyes.
When I stepped outside the plane the sun was starting to set again.
We were far away from home.
Everything was covered in snow and my breath made fog when I exhaled.
"I hope you brought warm clothes", Bradley said as he stepped outside.
"I already miss home", I answered.
He nodded. "Me too"
I quickly put my bag in my room that was in a motel at the new base.
"You hungry? The others wanted to eat diner in the restaurant around the corner", Bradley asked as he stepped into my room.
His room was on the other side next to Fanboys, Paybacks and Coyotes.
Bob, Phoenix and Hangman had their rooms next to mine.
"Maverick is coming too", he added.
I nodded. "Sure"
"Alright, lets go", he said and grabbed my hand.

When Bradley closed the door, I saw that the other were already waiting.
They all had big jackets on but still looked like they were about to freeze to death.
"God, I'm starving", Phoenix complained.
"I'm freezing", Bob laughed.

"Mexican, yes. That's what I'm talking about", Fanboy smiled when we entered the restaurant.
It was small but very cozy.

We sat down on a big table.
Maverick was sitting on the head next to Coyote and Payback. Rooster, me and Bob sat in the row next to Coyote, while Fanboy, Hangman and Phoenix sat in front of u, next to Payback.
We ordered so much food that it seemed like it wouldn't fit on the table.
"Why does this feel like our last meal", Phoenix said as she looked at all the plates surrounding us.
"Come on, don't be so pessimistic. At least, I want to live long enough to the ridiculously gorgeous children of those two, with their little mustaches and big egos", Hangman said when he took a bite of his burrito while he stared at me and Brad.
Mavericks face went very serious for a moment.
"Funny", I said ironically to brush his comment off.
"I'm serious", Hangman whispered and looked down at his food.

"Don't start any drama. Not tonight", Maverick said.

The food was very good and the rest of the diner went on quite smoothly.

"Good night everyone. I want to see all of you fresh on the carrier tomorrow morning", Maverick said and we all got back to our rooms.
When I closed the door behind me, I just sat down on my bed.
I had a very weird feeling about this.
Something terrible was about to happen.
Everyone was scared of what tomorrow would bring. No one showed it, but they all were.

Suddenly, someone knocked at my door and I opened it.
"My heater isn't working", Bradley said and held a blanket up. "Can I stay here?"
"Come in", I said and closed the door behind him again.
He quickly pulled me in for a hug.
"Oh god, you are freezing", I said as I felt his skin on mine.
He didn't respond.
He just stood there, enjoying the hug and the silence.

"I'm scared, Nicki", he said and looked me in the eyes.
"Me too", I answered.
I usually act tough and I would've said something like 'don't be', but I just couldn't. Not this time.
"If we both get picked tomorrow I'll make sure you and Bob get back safely to the carrier", he said.
I could see the tears in his eyes.
"You make sure you come back too", I said.
My heart ached when I thought about the fact that the chances were high, that someone wouldn't return tomorrow.
"Don't do anything risky, alright", he but his hand on my cheek. "Don't try to safe anyone but yourself"
I shook my head and began to cry.
He pulled me back into his arms.
He was shaking.

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