chapter 21

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I have another 2 months in this place until I am free. I honestly am ready. They decided to releae me early. Like a half a year early. Apparently my depression wasn't as bad as everyone else's. I am allowed visitors now. Kimberly has came every day to see me. And every day she would be told to go home because I wasn't ready to see her. The one person I was waiting to see was Shawn. I was hoping just hoping he would come.

I was in my room reading because I am not allowed to go onto social media. I think it is bull shit that I can't go on twitter, but "Doctors orders". Anyways, There was a knock at the door. "AShley you have a visitor," The nurse says. "If it is Kimberly tell her for the millionth time not to come here anymore," I say. "It isn't her. It's a boy. He claims to be your boyfriend," She tells me. I look up at her and say, "Let him in."

It was crazy to think that Shawn came all the way from Cananda to visit me. I mean he is my boyfriend, but he lives miles away. I turn back to my book and I hear a person start singing, "So come on girl let me hold your hand, Let's go get lost, Live with out a plan, And I know you got the world to see, but you know you mean the world to me." I look up and see Shawn. "Shawn!" I yell placing my book on the night stand next to the bed. "I missed you," I whisper before kissing him.

Shawn looks at me with a devilish smirk and says, "I got a plan." Oh god. "I hate seeing you in here. I know you are better because they are allowing visitors now. I haven't left since the first time I came back. I wanna bust you out and take you on an adventure," shawn says. I ghasp and say, "Can't you wait two months?" He shakes his head and says, "Ashley I have been waiting for you, and I am done waiting I want you to come home."

I look out the door and see the nurse nervously waiting at the counter while I have my visitor. I shut the door and say, "I know, I wanna go home too, but how would I do it. I am on survalence 24/7. Shawn tells me the plan and I can't beleive how well thought the plan was. I agreed quickly. Tonight would be my big escape. Shawn told me he would take me to canada to visit his parents and family. I was excited yet nervous for that, but I know it would all workout.

I pace the room lightly and run my hands through my hair once or twice. Where is he? I wait and hear the signal. I then go out of my room and with out a nurse accomapning me. I meet shawn and head out of the building. I can't believed it worked. I am free.

We get into a cab and drive to the airport. I had my passport because it was in the box of important stuff I needed for Rehab. Shawn and I get on the next flight to Canada. On the flight I slept. I barely got any sleep from being there. I wanted to be out of there so badly and I finally was.

When I got off the plane, we got into another cab and drove to his house. Shawn opens the door and I see an eleven year old sitting on the couch. "So this is the singing girl that you love so much Shawn!" The girl yells. I think that's his sister Aaliyah.


"Then let me be the one to bare the pain," ~Shawn mendes

The last song was Strings. I was surprised that no one commented on the chapter. Anyways guess this song.

Whatchy'all think of this chapter. Some major twist to come and this is only the start of the rollercoaster. Have a great night!

Much Love and Muffins


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