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—Bruce pov—
I wake up with Vance's arms wrapped around me. All of lasts nights memories come flooding back, jesus I was so desperate. I look up at him, he's the prettiest boy on this planet.
"Morning boyfriend." He says in a low raspy voice, it's definitely doing something to me.
"Boyfriend?" I didn't take it seriously before our kiss(es?)
"If you want. I know I'd like it," He's... smiling?
"I think," What do I think? "I think it's too soon."
"Oh," He looks disappointed, we meet each others eyes. "I get it, don't worry. No hard feelings." He says giving my an ingenuine half smile. I return it.
"We're still at Danny's right?" I ask him.
"Yea, you can find breakfast in kitchen."
"Thanks." I head towards the kitchen, I feel empty without Vance following. These people know me but I don't know Vance, Vance knows them. Jesus Bruce you should've said yes. I eat breakfast and make sure I have all my stuff, I wave goodbye, but I can't find Vance.
"Where's Vance?"
"He's probably smoking in his truck."
I walk to his car and he's smoking in his truck bed.
He turns towards, "ready to leave?"
"You're smoking?"
"Oh. My bad darling." He says smirking at me. He puts out his cigarette and places it into a bucket he has tied to the truck.
"Let's go." We both jump into his truck. He drives me to my house and we sit in comfortable silence, or comfortable for him. I just rejected Vance Hopper, and I'm regretting it. I told him I wanted him as my first kiss, while sober. If I drank a beer maybe I could've justified it but I didn't, I let him drink mine. Damn he would be a good boyfriend.

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