'Just friends, nothing more."

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Slight mention of suicide

—Vance pov—

I wake up and I check my phone, It's 7:14 AM.
It's not too late. I get up and put on a basic gray shirt, dark baggy jeans and my old beat up pair of black converse.

When I arrived at school I was greeted by, Lucas, Danny and Victoria.

"Vance!" Victoria says excitedly coming to my side.

"Hey Vic~" I say in a flirty tone while putting my arm around her shoulder.

"And y'all aren't dating?" Danny says looking us up and down.

"It's not like that!" Vic says quickly.

"Or it could be like that." I say looking down at her. Danny and Lucas are just laughing at us.

"You know what," She says annoyed, removing my arm from her shoulders. "I'm leaving!"

"Victoria! Are you really gonna dump Vance like that?" Lucas shouts at her, she flips us off and we laugh.

"She's your girlfriend?" I hear someone say, I look down and it's Bruce. Lucas is looking back and forth between us.

"Victoria wishes she was Vance's girlfriend." Danny laughs.

"Yea, we're not actually dating." I laugh, awkwardly.

"Anywayy, Danny and I have to go! See ya Vance! Bruce," Lucas nods and takes off with Danny.

"We have 1st period together, I guess we should walk together." I nod and we begin to walk towards our class.

—Bruce pov—

So that girl, Victoria? Isn't Vance's girlfriend, I thought she was. He had his arm around her and they were super close.


Why do I even care? We're just friends now. Just friends, no more then that. I shouldn't care. He can go fuck her, I don't care!

"Bruce?" I see a hand being waved in front of my face. I flinched slightly, it was Vance's hand.

"Jesus Vance, why is your hand so huge?"

"Height difference?" He shrugs, he's not wrong. He 6' fucking 1" and I'm like 5'7". That's like a 6 inch difference.

"Yea," I respond quietly. I pick up my pace to get to class quicker. When we walk in Vance immediately goes for the back, I sit in the front.

For some reason I can't be with him, just being in the same room as him makes me upset. I can't look at him or anything. But when I finally look back at him he's already looking at me, he gives me a confused look, I quickly look away and wait for work time to ask for a library pass.

I quietly raise my hand, "Yes, Bruce."

"May I head down to the library?"

"Mhm, I'll write you a pass in a second."

"Thank you." She hands me my pass and I hurry down to the library and head to a corner that's normally empty.

I sit and cry. That's it, I just cry. Why? No fucking clue. I rest my head on my knees and cry like that for a moment, until I hear a voice.

"Bruce?" I look up and it's Vance, great. Just great.

"What?" I yell. Vance looks shocked.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes! I'm fucking perfect! Just fucking fine!" I say in an angry tone.

"Bruce, I'm serious." He looks me in my eyes. I look away and stand up quickly.

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