Part 2: Classmates

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Florence and Jamie ran down one of the long hallways of the school. They skidded to a stop at one of the doors.
"And this is where part." Florence said. "I'm in Tier 1, so I have a different class." He looked at the time, "And I'm late." He laughed. "I'll cya around, Jamie!" He ran off.
Jamie stood there, "Bye.." He walked into the room, and the class paid no attention to him.
Keith Vex, a werewolf from out of town, was sitting in the middle row. His black shoes were on his desk. He had brown-red hair and blue-green eyes. He was around 18, and his Spark was shapeshifting.
The kid sitting to the left of Keith looked to be a little younger. His Spark was electric ice. His name was Corrin Jakiri. He had silver horns spiraling out the sides of his head with light brown-blonde hair, along with icy blue eyes and pale skin. Light sky-colored scales were fixed on his forehead. He had large dragon wings neatly tucked behind him.
The two other seats in the row were empty, so the next person Jamie noticed was Liam Rouge. He was sitting in the back row in the far left seat, arms crossed. He had black hair and blue eyes. There was also a burn scar running from the right side of his face into his neck. His hands were burned as well with bandages up to his forearms. Jamie had heard the rumors. Supposedly, he burned himself with his Spark when he was younger. He had two quite tethered wings tucked behind him. He was 18 and he could control fire.
Kai was sitting in the front row. He was Keith's brother. He had lighter hair than his, and their eye color was the same, but he had glasses. His Spark was a little complex. When he gets hit, the kinetic energy it creates is stored inside his body, then he can release it into his fists or feet to land power-boosted punches or kicks.
Jamie didn't know the others sitting there. Everyone was wearing their school uniforms, white button-ups, ties, then jeans. The class seemed rather empty.
He wasn't friends with any of them. He only knew their names and faces from the school board, which he had carefully studied online last night... His mother was confused by it, but of course, she wouldn't understand the anxiety Jamie got from new people. He wanted to know who he was dealing with before he got here.
Jamie sat in the empty seat next to Corrin. Two people walked in. One was an older woman, the other a student who looked quite a bit older than Jamie, in their early twenties maybe, but then he wouldn't be able to attend here. It could be that he was a teacher-in-the-making.
Professor Arrowood had hazel-colored hair. Her eyes were a soft light green. She was wearing a black dress that went down to her knees with a brown blazer.
The other who followed her had a stern look on his face. His hair was platinum, silvery-white. Jamie assumed his eyes were a mute blue until he turned toward the class. His left eye seemed to cave in. The once white part of it had turned red and black, along with his iris. It seemed like it had been burned. The way that it dipped in suggested that the bone next to his eye had been shattered. Though that seemed unlikely, it would make more sense to assume that a piece of the bone had been knocked out, guessing by how the skin healed. But by what? His skin was quite pale. It almost had a greenish tint to it as well. He had a scar on his nose, and a few on his neck, and bandaids covered his hands and wrists. He was pretty tall, taller than Jamie. He was also wearing a black, long-sleeve shirt under his button-up, covering most of his arms. His posture suggested that he was in pain. The way he was breathing didn't appear healthy either. Every breath was shallow and rough. He opened his mouth to yawn, and Jamie realized he had fangs.
"Hello, class," Arrowood said. "Sorry for the delay, but I believe we are ready to start."
The student from before sat in the last row, far right, in the seat that had been open when Jamie got there.
Corrin leaned in Jamie's direction, "I'm Corrin." he said, then nodded in the white-haired kid's direction, "That's Diego, you might wanna stay away from him."
"Uh- I'm Jamie." Jamie said. He was about to ask something, but Arrowood started to explain the science behind Sparks. He turned and gave his attention to her, or so it seemed, his mind was actually racing, trying to figure out the intentions of the ones around him.

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