Part 12: Sneaking Out

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A few minutes later, after they all changed and Corrin brought Kwamei, they sat around the dining table.

As Jamie sat down, he realized that they had never eaten here. Everyone usually ate in their rooms or on the couch. He found it odd that they were using it for this.

Liam brought his laptop to Kwamei, "You think you can pinpoint the location?" He asked him.

Kwamei was in a crewneck and sweatpants. Corrin said he had to wake him up.

"Maybe?" He said, typing on the computer, "I've never used my Spark like this before."

Jamie looked up, "What do you mean?"

"My Spark," Kwamei replied, "I can hack on to anything on the internet. Cameras, Wifi, devices on the Wifi and their cameras, even power grids. I can shut off an entire neighbourhood's worth of electricity with a few clicks."

"Woah, can you hack into phones?" Keith asked.

"Moblies?" Kwamei asked, "Easily."

They all made faces at him.

"Mobiles?" Corrin repeated.

Kwamei looked at them for a moment, confused, then it looked like something clicked, "Oh, right!" He said, "I keep forgetting that Americans use different words. They're the same as your cell phones. We call them mobiles."

Keith laughed. He was about to ask something, but a loud bang on the door interrupted him.

The group glanced at each other, then Jamie went to open the door.

He peeked around it to find Diego standing there.

"Diego?" He asked, opening the door more "Why are you here?"

"I know what you guys are up to." He said roughly, then paused, "And I wanna help."

Jamie stared at him for a moment, "You do?"

Diego gave him a look, "That's what I said." He retorted.

Jamie let him in. As Liam saw Diego, he stood up.

"Why are you here?" He snapped.

"I wanna help, idiot." Diego replied, staring.

"No way, you'll ruin everything," Liam walked to him, "For all I know you'll get one of us killed."

"Guys, c'mon." Keith said, stepping in between them, "Let's not fight okay?," He looked at Liam, "Besides, he could be helpful."

Kwamei interrupted them, "I found it!" he said, looking up from Liam's laptop.

They all hurried to the table, looking over Kwamei's shoulder.

"I was able to hack into the camera feed from the security system." He said, bringing up another window with a picture of the S.S.A. Liam had found.

"It's the same place." Corrin murmured.

"Can you find the camera's location?" Liam asked.

Kwamei started typing, then a map popped up with a flashing blue dot. "There it is." He said.

"Cool." Liam said, "Let's go."

"Right now?" Jamie asked.

"Yes," Liam started packing a backpack, "Let's go."

Kwamei had set up a group call between all of them, giving them all earbuds as well.

"I'll guide you through the building." He said. "Make sure to be as quiet as possible. There could still be people in there."

Liam nodded, "We just have to get past the school staff."

The group glanced at each other.

"I could probably hack into the cameras here," Kwamei suggested, "But I can't be sure that it won't set off any alarms."

"It's fine," Liam replied, "Maybe we can get Cleo to help us."

"So that's our first stop?" Keith asked.

Liam nodded, heading for the door.

The group made their way down the hall, silent. Jamie, again, felt something wrong. This was a bad idea.

Liam stopped and knocked on a door. It was around 12:30 AM, and most people were sleeping. But surprisingly, the door opened.

"Liam?" Kai asked, "Why are you here?"

Jamie tensed up. If anyone were to stop them, it would be Kai. He refused to show up earlier, saying that we shouldn't intervene. Even if Jamie wouldn't admit it, he agreed.

"I'm looking for Cleo." Liam replied, subtly waving away the others.

They all took a few steps back, making sure to be out of sight. It was hard since the hallway was well-lit.

"Why?" Kai continued.

Liam paused, searching for an excuse, "Jamie wanted to hang out."

Jamie held his hands to his face. There were so many things wrong with that.

"At 12:30 at night?" Kai retorted, "Also why didn't he come himself?"

"Uh- He was too shy to ask himself." He paused, "And ya' know, cats are nocturnal and all that.."

Kai stared at him. Then someone else interjected.

"Who's there, Kai?" Cleo asked from out of sight.

"No one." Kai replied, still staring.

Cleo then stepped past Kai, "Oh." He said, "Hey Liam."

"Cleo! Hey." Liam said, a little too loud. "I- Jamie wanted to talk to you."

Cleo paused, obviously confused. "It's past midnight..?"

"I know," Liam continued, "But aren't you cats like...nocturnal?"

Cleo gave him a look, "We're mostly human, Liam."

Jamie glanced at the others. It seemed they all silently agreed that this wasn't going well. Jamie stepped into their view.

"Hey-" He started, but Cleo's face lit up.

"Jamie! You are here." He said, smiling, then he turned to Kai, "Don't worry, I won't be long."

Kai stared at Liam, then closed the door.

Cleo gave them both looks, "Okay I'm not dumb," He said, "What are you playing at?"

"We need your help." Liam replied.

Diego and Keith stepped into view as well. Cleo looked at them. He knew what they were doing.

He sighed, "Fine, I'll help you." then he turned to the door, "I'll be right out." He walked in.

A chill went down Jamie's spine as a sick feeling began to set in. He ignored it. After all, he couldn't stop now.

Cleo came back out, dressed in all black like the rest of them. He also had some sort of satellite connected to a soundbox.

"Let's go," He said, seeming reluctant.

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