Part 4: Reputation

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A loud bang jolted Jamie awake. He sat up quickly. He looked around and then went to open the door.

Nothing was different.

He looked around. Everything was in the same place.

"Weird..." He thought.

He turned around and closed the door behind him when he realized the light was on.

"Did I-"

What sounded like a gunshot made him duck. He looked up. The light had shattered. Chills were sent down his spine as he looked around frantically. Footsteps outside his room made him rush backward, tripping over his suitcase and hitting the floor. Then voices started ringing in his head. They didn't quite make words, only whispers, but...loud whispers. He started sweating as it got hard to breathe. Shadows began to dart around the room, coming from underneath the door and through the window.

He started to panic, "Stop!" he screamed, holding his head, "Leave me alone!"

Things started to fly off his dresser as the drawers flung out. The window threw itself open to let in a strong wind that started tearing up everything in his room. What looked like black paint started to seep through the walls.

Then the door opened, everything stopped, and someone started to shake him.


His eyes focused on them.


He nodded, "What the heck are you screaming about?"

Jamie looked around the room. Nothing had been touched. He was still on the floor next to his bed, but everything else in the dream hadn't actually happened.

He looked at him, silent.

He sighed, "Why are you here?"

"Keith heard you first, he was freaking out and didn't know what to do," He helped him up, "I decided I might as well...You know, help." He let go of him, seeming a bit shook.

Jamie nodded, sitting on his bed. "Sorry, it's never happened before."

"Whats never happened before?" Liam sat beside him.

Jamie looked at him, seeming a bit confused at why he seemed so comfortable. "The dream.."

Liam paused. "Are you okay?"

Jamie nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." he stood up, looking at the clock. It was 3:00 AM.

"Do you not-" Liam paused.

"Hm?" Jamie turned around.

He stared at him, then shook his head. "Nevermind." He stood up, "You should get some sleep." He said, closing the door behind him as he left.

"That was weird..." Jamie mumbled.

Jamie walked beside Corrin and Keith. The sun was bright up above them, and the campus was larger than Jamie expected. They were heading toward the conference building, where they would'd it go again?

"So explain what we're doing again?" Jamie turned to Corrin.

"We're going to the conference building." He said.

Corrin was always radiating frosty air, so standing next to him meant you'd be cold. Jamie's arm had a bit of frost on it. He rubbed it quickly.

"I meant what we do once we get there." He said flatly, giving Corrin a look.

"Oh, this year the school is having each class sit in a room and get to know each other." Corrin continued, "I think it'll be quite intresing, learning about your peers' Sparks and stuff."

Aldwynne High: Jamie CortesWhere stories live. Discover now